Letters to Eleanor

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, happy birthday. You are one year old. A year. You didn't sleep well last night and were up far too early. Maya greeted you with a loving "good morning Nora. Did you know that you are one now? Here let me help you take off your sleep sack so it's easier for you to walk around." We had a birthday party for you and Maya today. You loved smashing your cake. I'm not sure you are very much of it. You are starting to show more interest in food. You love strawberries, blueberries, carrots, cheese puffs, yogurt, and chicken and stars baby food. You do not like bananas. You will tolerate them off they are pureed and mixed with other things so maybe it is the texture you dislike. You love to go outside. If anyone opens the door, you make a break for it. You are such a sweetie. I feel like you have just in the last week or so gone from a baby to a toddler. You are walking everywhere and can stand up without pulling up on something. You still love to climb. Your receptive and expressive language have really exploded. Recently I was lying in the floor and you crawled on me, snuggled, and said mama rock. So sweet. Other words you can say include dad, Maya, hi/hi there, bye, eye, thank you, hop, pop, up, poopy, wash, moo, oo oo ah ah, boo, water, pat, done/all done. You sign milk, more, please, water and all done. You had the flu a couple weeks ago. You were so miserable. Your fever was high. You didn't want to eat or nurse. We spent days and nights snuggling on the couch. You haven't really gained that much weight as a result. You are still under 20 lbs is say. We will find out in a few days at your checkup. Between the flu, a cold, and travel you have had some trouble sleeping as of late. Please let this be short lived. Aside from the recent lack of sleep, I really can't complain. You have been an easy baby. You are always content. Now that you are mobile and fast, you may be more challenging. You love to go exploring. We have temporarily lost you in the house a few times. I am really enjoying watching you grow and develop into a little person. Your dad, sister, and I love you so much. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are 11 months old. One month shy of a year. Where has the time gone? You are such a sweet baby, with the sweetest smile. You are almost always happy. You babble nonstop and mimick everything. You fake cough, sneeze, and hiccup. You say mama, dada, hi, bye, hop, pop, oops, and done. You sign milk, more, all done, and water. You rock babies and make things hop. You clap when someone says yay, good job or pat a cake. You can wave when you want to but you don't often. If someone says no you wag your finger no at them.  You are taking more and more steps without falling. You will be walking everywhere soon. You love to climb and are quite good at it. We have focused on helping you learn to climb and get down safely. This month you celebrated your first Christmas and new year. You were a pro at opening presents by the end of our many holiday gatherings. It's so fun to watch you learn and grow. Your dad, sister and I live you so much. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are ten months old. This month has been an exciting on for you. You recently started taking your first lunging steps.  You also learned how to climb on Maya's bed and get things off the top of her bookshelf. Your are into everything. If anything is on or in anything else it must be moved. You have started putting things in other things. Basically I never know where I'm going to find anything. You are quote the adventurer with the climbing and exploring. Maya always followed me wherever I went. You, however, will wander off to explore. In the 30 seconds it took me to used the bathroom a few days ago, you found and opened a tube of lotion and proceeded to eat some of it. This resulted in my first call to poison control. I made it 3 years and almost ten months as a parent before this achievement. You keep me on my toes.

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are nine months old. Nine! Everyday we see more and more of your personality develop. You are such a sweetie. You love when people sing to you. You get such a big grin on your face. A grin with six teeth now. The sixth just popped through today. You also love fake sneezing. It really make you giggle and you respond with aah aah. You sometimes will wave and say bye. For a while you were clapping but that's an old boring game now I guess. You babble a ton: sss, na, ba, ma, da, k. Tonight you were banging two block together after your dad or I did it. Blocks are some of your favorite toys right now, along with balls, your activity table, a pop up pals sesame street thing, a toy kitchen shape sorter and an elephant one, and anything and everything that Maya is playing with. Some days all I hear is mom MOM, she's touching my stuff, pulling up on my chair, climbing over me, coming to get my stuff, waking up my animals (that I haven't played with in days but no one can touch because they must sleep right there in the middle of the living room). You then laugh when she has a meltdown. Other days Maya wants to sit right by you and love on you. Your dad, your sister, and I love you so very much.
Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are eight months old. You are in general my happy girl. This month has been kind of challenging though. Between a cold and teething you have been a mama's girl. You want me to hold you or sit right next to you. You don't want to nap any where other than on me. I do appreciate your snuggles. And I know I'll miss them all too soon. But Maya misses her alone time with me. And I promise that dad gives good snuggles too. You are developing quite the personality. When you are not a grump, you are so giggly and excited to see everything. You especially enjoy when Maya's is obnoxious at the table. Your giggling encourages her. I see trouble in my future with you two. You enjoy crawling around and pulling up on everything. You are really stable while standing. I think you could stand without holding on it you'd just let go. You love for me to help you walk around. You're starting to cruise on furniture. Please don't walk to soon. You are growing up to fast. Be my baby a little longer. Your dad, your sister, and I love you so very much.
Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora you are seven months old. Slow down. Be my baby a little longer. You are on the move crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, climbing over everything. You have two teeth. You babble and squeal all the time. You make hi like noises when you greet people. And you say mama and I sometimes think you know what it means. You like me to hold you. You like to crawl and play but only if dad are I sit right beside you. You seem to have found your cry. It used to be a quiet cry even when you were really mad but now it seems loud all the time. You are always so happy to see Maya. You still like to get her hair and now you are able to chase after her and get her stuff. She is learning how to be a big sister. You dislike food. Or at least baby food (rice cereal and pureed squash, apples sweet potatoes). You refuse to open your mouth for them. If I manage to get any in, it makes you gag and frequently vomit. However, you seen interested in food. You are always trying to steal my food. Today we found, you love to nom on apples. You dad, sister and I love you so much. 
Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are 6 months old. Half a year. It's really flown by. You aren't my squishy newborn anymore. You are sitting, rolling, scooting, turning, and crawling in your own silly non efficient way (very inch wormesque). You are more mobile than I expected at this age. I fear full blown crawling and pulling up are in your near future. You are such a happy baby. You rarely cry, only in your car seat or if we are trying to get you to sleep. Ah yes, you hate sleep. (I joke that your first sentence will be why won't you sleep) You have to much to see and do. No time for sleep.  You think your big sister Maya is the funniest thing. You love to watch her and giggle. You also love her hair. I'm constantly having to pry your little fingers out of it if she gets to close. She doesn't really care for this as you can imagine and lectures you on not pulling hair. You have really started to babble. You say mama in such a way that sometimes I think you know what it means. You definitely know who I am. I love to see your face light up when you see me or Maya or dad. You have recently become fearful of strangers and strange places. You will bury your face in our shoulder. You definitely know what the word milk means. When I ask you if you want milk you fling yourself down and gripe. You seem like such a little person already. You are so observant and aware with your own personality. I'm loving watching you grow. I love the way you prop your foot on my arm when you nurse. I love the way you kick one leg when you get roused up a little from sleep. I enjoy listening to you scratch around in your bed. It reminds me of a dog settling down to sleep. You dad, sister and I love you so very much.
Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are five months old. You are such a happy baby, always smiling and "talking". You love to watch everything going on around you, especially your big sister Maya. She can get you to really giggle. You can sit up unassisted now for short periods of time, until you get distracted reaching for a toy and topple over. You are surprisingly mobile for a little one your age à. You can roll both ways easily and spin yourself around on your tummy. You can also scoot yourself forward a little by pulling your knees up and pushing with your feet. You will be crawling too soon I'm sure. You dad, sister and I love you so much.
Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are four months old. You have grown up so much in the last few weeks. You took your first plane ride. While we were gone you started teaching for things and you started rolling from belly to back frequently, then started rolling back to belly. You also recently started lifting your bottom up when your on your tummy. You are a strong little girl but please don't start crawling to soon. You are so observant, you just take everything in. I feel like you rarely cry (unless you are tired and in the car then all bets are off). When you start getting hungry or sleepy you gripey talk to let us know. You smile frequently but rarely laugh. You make us really work for it. You are really a joy. Your dad, your sister, and I love you so much. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are three months old. You are so long and skinny. When we went for your weight check this month you were 11 lbs and 14.7 oz (27th percentile). Since you are so long you are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes and just moved into size 2 diapers. You have really sensitive skin. Every time we try a new disposable diaper on you you get rashy. Your personality is starting to show more and more. You are a sweetie and very easy going for the most part. But you still hate your car seat. And you have decided that only mom can hold you in the evenings when you are sleepy. It's tough because dad doesn't get to see you much outside of that time during the week and Maya wants some snuggles with me at night too. You've recently started to giggle. It's such a sweet sound. But you make us really work for it. You've rolled over a few times but not consistently. You love to chew on your fingers and to people watch, especially your big sister Maya. You want to sit up all the time so you can see what is going on. You recently have started grasping toys if they are on your belly or we put them in your hand and you have just discovered your feet. Maya is so proud of you. Everywhere we go she's telling people that you are her baby sister and your name is Nora and that you don't like bottles or pacifiers. She is looking forward to teaching you so many things. Maya, your dad and I love you so much. We are really enjoying watching you grow. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are two months old. You are contented baby. You really don't cry much. You fuss a bit when you get sleepy. And you still scream in your car seat most of the time. You'll sometimes sleep in the swing during the day. You will sleep in the bassinet at night, only at night (whenever you FINALLY go to sleep). But you really like snuggles. You've jumped the 99th percentile for length but fell to to 30th for weight. You just barely gained enough weight so you have to go back next month for a weight check. I hope that you stop spitting up so much and start packing on the pounds. You have a very expressive tongue. Maya is always asking why you're tongue wiggles when you cry. We all love you very much. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, you are one month old. These for weeks have really flown. You are a sweetie (and cute too if I do say so myself). You are very alert and love to look around. Likely related, you HATE sleep. Once you are finally asleep at night you generally sleeps well. Many nights, I'm the one waking you up. You big sister Maya can't keep her hands off of you. She's always asking "is this my baby sister?", "is this her tiny foot?", "does she have tiny ears?", "doesn't she have cute tiny hands?", etc. It's pretty sweet. I hope that you two will be best friends. We love you so very much and are so happy to have you. Love, mom

Eleanor, my sweet Nora, happy birthday. Four days after your due date, 2 days before your big sister's birthday, you made your arrival. You waited until our doctor was on call. I really couldn't have planned a better birth. We are so happy to finally meet you. You are so beautiful. You're a little smaller than we expected since for the last few weeks the doctor had prepped my for a baby over 8 lbs. You weighed in at a respectable 7 lbs 6 oz. Your dad and I have spent the day snuggling you. We are so in love with you. I hope that tomorrow you can meet your wonderful big sister.
Love, mom

Baby girl #2, you are very loved. Your grandmother has arrived. Your due date has come and gone. And we are still patiently waiting for your arrival. Well I am patiently waiting. The rest of the world seems less patient. They want to meet you. I'm happy keeping you to myself for a little longer but I do hope that you decide to come before your sister's birthday. Your sister prays frequently that "baby sister grows big and strong and gets here safely." She has no idea what's coming but I hope that you two will one day be best friends. You have been a lot less troublesome than your big sister so far. You were a mover and shaker. Aside from the sickness in the first trimester, I've really enjoyed our time together. I look forward to snuggling you and getting to know you on the outside.
Love, mom

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