Tuesday, April 24, 2012

14 Months and Snow

This weekend we went to the mountains with some friends from church. It was pretty warm but there was still some snow hanging around. Aside from the day she was born, this was Maya's first snow experience. She seemed to like it, especially the sledding. When she would get to the bottom of the hill she would sign more. I helped some of the kids with us build a snowman. Had to show them how. Sad really, since I'm really a southern girl. Overall an enjoyable weekend with too much food, too little sleep, and not enough baby proofing.

On Sunday, Maya turned 14 months. We didn't really get many pictures that day since we were away but I took some on Monday. You may notice that Maya is sporting a bruise on her forehead and a scrap under her chin. Those are from the lack of baby proofing over the weekend.

Showing off all the pjs she's outgrown.

She was pushing her bear around. She would crash and say ow.

She couldn't look at me because she had to kiss her bear. She's very affectionate  right now.

Carrying her shovel so she can dig, dig, dig

She was cracking up about something. Not sure what.

Maya is saying more and more. Sunday we noticed that she was saying something for mama. Since she doesn't really say any m words yet, it was more baba. She says eye, apple, and umbrella, along with burp and poop. Whenever anyone burps she will say burp, then giggle and sign more. Raising a real lady here.

She got an ABC book for Easter. Between that and my tank with writing on it, she can say A, O, and M. (Why she says M but no M words, no one knows) She seems to recognize letters sometimes and call them on of those three, usually A. Like today at the library she was pointing to a Z on the rug saying A.

It seems like there is more stuff she is saying but I can't think of it right now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

On Saturday evening we decorated eggs. Nothing fancy this year, just half a dozen large plastic eggs and a sheet of stickers. Maya had trouble sticking them to the eggs but enjoyed sticking them to her arm.

Easter morning brought a basket full of goodies for Maya before a trip to the airport to drop of Derek's parents and church. She was only half dressed since she hadn't had breakfast yet. My mom made the adorable bloomers (along with the dress and pinafore you will see below). She also hadn't had her hair combed yet. I didn't get any pictures of her eating the chocolate covered o's. She was into them though.

After church we went to a park to hunt eggs with friends. Maya was excited because there were balloons and flowers, two of her favorite things.
Running toward the balloons

This is her sniffing flowers face

She crashed into the balloon table and bruised her eye

Sick Yet Again and Visits with Grandparents

Last week Maya finally got over her stomach issues. Sunday we went to church. Tuesday we went to the library. One of those places she and I both picked up colds. I'm ready for summer.

Derek's parents got here last Wednesday and left Easter morning. It was good to see them and I'm sure they enjoyed seeing Maya. Saturday we went to the farmers market and then to the park. Maya left her hat on the whole time. I was shocked. Usually she rips it off the first chance she gets. Saturday night after we decorated Easter eggs, Derek and I took advantage of free having babysitters in town and went out to eat. It was our second Maya free date, well maybe third if running to the corner pharmacy to pick up a few last minute Christmas things counts.