Tuesday, March 27, 2012

13 Months and Nenons

We had a lazy St. Patrick's Day. Maya's car and chair are still occupying our living/dining room.

13 months already. Crazy. Maya is into everything. I was making coffee and turned around to find peanut soup. Right after I snapped this she got mad because she couldn't get out without help.

She loves to carry around this shirt for some reason. It's one of her favorites that she retrieves from the clean or dirty basket any time she gets a chance. She managed to get it over her head, but couldn't quite manage the sleeves.

We took some pictures outside with her bear after her afternoon nap.

She loves to play in the rocks but tries to eat them

At least one of my subjects sits still

We apparently have a nenon tree. What do you mean you don't know what a nenon is?

In addition to lemon, Maya is now saying moon, banana, doll, and thank you. Lemon and banana sound a lot alike, as do moon/balloon, doll/duck/dad, shoe/sock. Thank you and hi are probably the only two really understandable to someone other than me and Derek. She signs thank you when she says it. Her personalized version looks like her hitting herself in the face. She also has added to her animal noises. She knows a horse says neigh, a cow says moo (sounds more like boo, maybe we have ghost cows), and a cat says meow (mow). She can point at her hand, fingers, feet, toes, arm, hair, nose, eyes, ears, teeth, face, and belly button when she wants to. Derek taught her arm on Monday when I was out playing soccer. I tried to teach her knee but it sounds too much like me and she just points at herself. She will point to me, Derek, or herself if you ask her where mom, dad or Maya, respectively. I'll try to get a video of some of this. It's hard because she runs over to me and wants to play with the camera when I pull it out.

She's still struggling with tummy troubles. We did blood work last Tuesday and stool cultures last Wednesday. I hope not to have to do either again anytime soon. Hoping to hear from her pediatrician sometime soon. I'm thinking the two virus hypothesis followed by secondary lactose intolerance sounds plausible. But wanted to see what her doctor has to say.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sick Again

I'm totally a blogging slacker. To be fair Maya has been sick again. She got over her cold but then almost immediately picked up something else. After 11 days of tummy troubles and a few days of a fever, we took a trip to the pediatrician on Wednesday. She said that she looks good and she thinks it just virus or two. If she is still having issues on Tuesday we have to go back. She seems to be doing a little better but still not back to normal. Fortunately, other than the intermittent stomach pain she seems pretty happy. She is pretty hilarious these days. She's picked up a bunch of signs lately. She knows milk, more, all done, fish, water, bath, please, again, up, fork, yes, help. Maybe more but sometimes it takes me a few days to figure out her version. She is talking and babbling more and more. She will be babbling away and then stop and start smiling/laughing. She has recently added balloon, cheese, duck. She starts blowing if she sees or you say candle and starts sniffing if she sees or you say flower. When she bonks her head, falls, etc I always ask her if she needs a kiss. She now starts smacking her lips anytime she's hurt or if you ask if she need a kiss. It's been pretty pitiful with her bellyache, lots of kisses needed. She also smacks her lips if she wants a bite of what you are eating. She has recently started pretend play. If you ask if she's ready for breakfast/lunch, everyone gets a pretend bite. She got a little play kitchen for her birthday and she pretend eats and feeds us. She also kisses her baby and rocks it. She loves to play outside. She begs to go out almost everyday. Unfortunately, this week has been pretty rainy so we haven't been able to go outside. I feel like we've been stuck in the house all week between the rain and illness. We've had fun though. Plenty of new birthday toys and their boxes to play with. We made a tunnel and cave in the living room out of two big boxes.

We are still working on drinking from a cup. She does really well getting the liquid out of the sippy, straw, or normal cup and loves to "drink" but doesn't quite know how to swallow it. This has been an issue this week trying to get electrolyte solution into her. I finally found that if I blend it with a frozen banana to thicken it she does really well with it. I think she's getting tired of the bananas, rice, applesauce, toast diet. Yesterday she was eating all the floor cereal and puffs from under the couch and such. And today I gave her some puffs and she was cramming them in fistfuls at a time.

Her new spiffy chair

Look at all those teeth

At the beginning, I asked her if she could kiss her baby but didn't get the camera on in time to catch it all:

Here she is begging for my orange. I felt like a jerk not giving it to her but with her tummy issues I thought she didn't really need it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do You Know the Proper Way to Exit a Car

Maya got a belated birthday present from my mom and brothers on Tuesday. Derek and I put it together after she went to bed so she woke up to find in the living room. She mostly had the right idea.

Twelve Month Stats

Maya had her well baby checkup on February 23. Since she wasn't really well, we decided to hold off on her shots, except for varicella since she was recently exposed (insert non vaccinating people rant here), so we have to go back in a month or so when she's healthy. She didn't gain very much weight since nine months. I blame it on her four or so colds and two stomach viruses in the last three months. Only up to 22 lbs and 8 oz. But she grew over 2 inches in height and is now 31 inches. Who knew our 6 lb 1 oz, 18 in long peanut would be in the 93rd percentile for length and 85th for weight. She may have lost her chunky status but hasn't lost her cheeks.

Sporting her birthday outfit after seeing the pediatrician:

Pictures with her bear only two days late:
She noticed she had an owl on her shirt so is saying whowho