Thursday, September 29, 2011

7 Months Part 2

I took Maya's 7 month photo's last Friday but I am just now getting around to posting them.  I put Maya down laying on her back in the living room and ran to the office to get the camera.  She started screaming before I got back and this is how I found her.  

I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo but she is almost sitting but she couldn't quite get up all the way off of her support arm.  It was apparently very frustrating.  Of course I snapped a picture before I helped her up, because I'm mean that way.

Taking photos is getting more difficult as she's getting older, but I got a few cute ones.

These photos were taken before she pulled off her sticker, tried to eat it, then crawled away.
This photo makes it look like she crawls on her hands and knees.  But really its more like this

It's slow going, but eventually she gets there.

But I need to sweep/mop the back porch.

Friday night and Saturday night Maya didn't sleep well at all.  We were up every 30 minutes to 1 hour about all night.  Getting up every 3 hours is an average night these days.  But one night this week she slept for six.

Sunday Maya had banana for the first time.  I just smashed up a ripe one with a spoon.  She was not impressed.  Because she's had issues with textures in the past, on Monday I blended it with milk then added oatmeal to thicken it up. She liked it much better that way.  While I was working on it, I put some small pieces of banana on her tray.  She enjoyed mashing them around and throwing them in the floor, but I don't think she realized they were food or got any into her mouth.

She's really starting to interact with me more.  It's a lot of fun. She will copy you if you blow a raspberry.  Sunday she was trying share her paci with me by shoving it into my mouth. Finally I bit down on it with my lips and she thought it was hilarious.  Tuesday night, she rediscovered splashing in the tub. She's usually too busy sucking on washcloths. But the last few days she'll splash and then laugh about it, especially if someone says eww. If you put her down on the floor and leave the room she will crawl after you. Usually whining because you left her but not always.  Yesterday she was following me, but then got distracted and took a detour into our bedroom. We need to do some baby proofing this weekend before she gets any faster.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

7 Months

Maya and I made it home safely last night. The trip went well but now we trying to readjust. Maya was extra sleepy today, took more naps than usual, and then cried this evening for almost an hour. She was almost asleep but just could quite get settled. After finally taking a nap, she happily ate/drank some oatmeal. Derek ran her a bath while I fed her and she was really excited when he put her tub in the floor beside us. She was trying to jump in. She'd lift both feet off the ground and try to stick them in the water. She couldn't quite reach and I couldn't help her in because I was laughing at her. Mid bath we had a bit of an issue requiring prompt removal from the tub.  Apparently it was too prompt and she finished the job on the floor and my foot.  I hadn't been pooped on in months. While we were trying to figure out what to do, she managed to get her foot in it and fling some. Good times. 

I will update on our trip when I've caught up on sleep, laundry, etc.  I also need to do Maya's month sticker photos. Between her naps, lunch with Derek, and a bit of shopping (I was looking for a baby gift, I didn't really find anything, but Maya now has a cute little denim jacket), we didn't have a chance to do them today.  Hopefully I can take those tomorrow.  I can't believe she's seven months already.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Milestones of Sorts

Saturday, we stripped Maya down to her diaper and put her in her chair to feed her some acorn squash.  She liked the squash better than apple sauce but not as much as the butternut squash.  While we were feeding her we noticed that she was scratching her chest and stomach.  My poor rashy baby has learned to scratch herself.  Now we know that her rash does in fact itch.  Maybe this is contributing to her whiny and clingy behavior as of late.  We are having a hard time getting the latest flare up under control.  Also, milestone for me, I weighed myself Saturday and I'm back down to my prepregnancy weight.

Sunday, Maya went to the infant class for the second time.  The first time was two weeks ago.  She seems to enjoy it, taking everything in.  After class, we went to the nursery where Maya napped and I learned the lack of sleep is getting to me.  The lesson started and I was listening, then the next thing I knew everyone was singing again.  I didn't even feel like I was getting drowsy.  I was just out of it.  Sunday night we went out to eat with some friends.  Maya got her own empty kids cup and she was happy until she got too tired.  She fell sleep in the car and didn't wake up when we got home like she usually does.  Derek and I promptly fell asleep on the couch.

For labor day, we went to a friends house for a bbq.  Maya really enjoyed watching all the kids play.  The host had a mirror hanging in the hall which Maya enjoyed.  Hopefully they don't mind a little spit.  Maya was a little clingy so I was holding her while I ate.  She accidentally stuck the sleeve of her new sweeter in my chocolate pie, then she tried to do it again on purpose.  At least she slept well after all the excitement of the day.

Wednesday, Maya reached what I would call mobility.  It's almost crawling.  It's not pretty and it's not fast, but it seems to get the job done.  She also learned to drink from her straw sippycup.  Maya and I picked up her prescription cream for her rash and ran some other errands to get ready for our trip.

Maya and I leave today.  Hopefully this trip goes as smoothly as the last.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not Your Average Sized Peanut

Maya had her 6 month well baby doctor visit today.  She is healthy other than her rash that flared up again last night.  And she is huge.  For a peanut that started out in like the 5th and 3rd percentiles for weight and length it's extra crazy.  She's 18 lbs 2 oz.  That's just shy of 3 times her birth weight.  She gained 4 lbs in two months.  She's 26.5 inches long.  This puts her in the 83rd percentile for weight and 72nd for length.  Her head in now in the 92nd percentile.  The doctor commented on how strong and wiggly she is and wanted to know if she was crawling or pulling up yet.  Not yet on either but the last few days she has shown more interest in standing.  When Maya was immunized today, she was more upset that I was holding her down than she was about the shots.  She's was pretty much over it as soon as I picked her up.  But then got mad when we put on her clothes.  She was extra sleepy and clingy the rest of the day.  We spent most of the day cuddling in the rocking chair.

Tuesday, Maya tried apple sauce.  She wasn't really impressed.  Today she had apple sauce with oatmeal, that went over a little better.  Her favorite so far has definitely been the butternut squash.  I got an acorn squash we plan on trying after a few more days of apples.

Sporting her cool bandaides
This one is from Tuesday.  The poor rose didn't fare very well.