Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy thanksgiving and 21 months

We are only a week late but happy Thanksgiving. Sort of last minute we invited some visitors from church over for lunch. I cooked my second turkey ever. It turned out ok but cooked a lot faster than I was planning. I then had to keep it warm until people arrived. I forgot the cranberry sauce was in the fridge until I was getting whipped cream out for the pies. But at least the pumpkin and pecan pies were good. Maya liked the pie and liked the whipped cream but didn't like it when the whipped cream touched her pie. She similarly doesn't like it when food gets on her hands, face, cup, tray, or bib right now. If you've every had a toddler, you know that this is an inevitability during mealtime. I constantly hear "I need a towel. I neeeed a towel." She has also started asking me to feed her more. I'm not sure if this is too avoid the mess or just because. She's a mama's girl right now. "mom hold you", "mom chaire (carry) you", "mom feed you", "mom do it". She's gotten a little, hmm I won't say whiny, but more demanding recently. We hear a lot of "I/Maya need" fill in the blank. Repeatedly. It must be said with increasing urgency every time you say it, totally ignoring any responses. I'm not quite sure the best way to deal with it, maybe ignore and redirect, I assume it's just the age (how can she possibly be 21 months?). In somewhat related news, she's up to eightish word sentences now such as "I need mom milk in the rocking chair." Also in related news, today she was telling her little people "what did I say? No". Really have to watch what I say now.

Friday, Maya's last canine (the bottom right) cut through. She also pooped in the potty for the first time since her first luck timing potty success. She's been wearing panties a lot when we are home. Monday She wore them all day with only one pee accident. Tuesday we were out of the house to she wore diapers. Wednesday she had two accidents, one of which was during nap time. I probably need to just bite the bullet and put her in panties all the time. She gets upset most of the time when she goes in her diaper. Today I opened a brand new large box of a different type of diapers than we usually use. First one = explosive poop everywhere, just like old times. I'm sure you've missed me discussing leaky poop diapers. Anyway, I was annoyed at the diaper and said "you've got to be kidding me". Maya was already a little upset that she'd gone in her diaper and then I think she thought I was upset at her. She burst into tears and kept saying "need to sit down". I tried to reassure her that it was okay but she wasn't convinced. Made me feel like a jerk. Another day in the life of having a sensitive toddler I guess.

We went full steam ahead on project "Christmas present" over the long weekend. We've made progress but still have too much to do. I can't wait until it's finished. Christmas should be fun with Maya this year.

We "put ormants on the tree" on Tuesday. We didn't put up a tree last year. When we pulled out our stuff we realized that all of our ornaments are breakable or choking hazards. And Maya can't keep her hands off of it. Probably bad news. We also got some Christmas window "stickers" that she is obsessed with right now, especially the "cookie bread man" and reindeer. We took them off and put them back on all afternoon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why you shouldn't read to your kids and how to get cheap Labor

Friday, I took Maya to get her flu shot. She always wants to know where we are going when we get into the car. I just told her that we were going to the doctor. We then had to sing five little monkeys repeatedly. She was enjoying herself until they pulled out the syringe, then she started saying hurt, hurt. She cried until they gave her a sticker and lollipop. I said I'm not even sure she knows what a lollipop is since she's never had one. Last time someone gave her one, she thought it was a candle. But she immediately said ooh lollipop, eat it, eat it  like caterpillar. I'm sure you are familiar with that caterpillar, the hungry one. So yeah, the very hungry caterpillar taught Maya about lollipops. And then today she told me she wanted fries and ketchup because a bird in a book was eating what looked like a fry. 

Saturday, we went to the farmers market which Maya loves because she gets to sample all the fruit. We then put Maya to work on what will hopefully be her Christmas present. 

Just kidding. Derek and I worked on it during nap time. We pretty much gave up once she woke up because she was really into the tools. I think she may need some toy ones given the meltdown when it was time to put them away. We also raked some leaves.

But that was only so that we could jump in them

Sunday, Maya woke up with her first cold of the season. I'm hoping this year brings less illness for her than last. She seems to be feeling better today. She wanted to go eat with Derek because there might be cake. So we went tonight. She got pie instead of cake but I didn't hear her complain.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

trick or treat, mostly treats

Halloween party (10/25/12)

Short interlude, introducing owl girl, bat girls new sidekick

Making jack-o-lanterns (10/29/12, also Maya cut her bottom left canine)

Admiring our work the next day

The stages of Trick or treating:
1) Um guys, I'm not sure what's going on 

2) You mean they give me treats?

3) I think I might like this

4) Yes, I like this. RUN!!

5) mmm, candy: no pictures of this, it was pretty dark by then

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

20 Months and Lots of questions

Maya has started asking questions such as
"what mom/dad/Maya doing", "who's that" (this means both who is that and what is that), "what that is" and my personal favorite "how it work"

She recognizes that writing is beey, bee, sees (also known as abc's). She knows some of the letters such as M, D, and O. She told me that our igloo cooler had two o's on the lid. She also recognizes the name/logo for Derek's work. She also recognizes some numbers. She told me that one of her shapes for her sorter had an 8 on it and it did in fact have one.

She opened the fridge for the first time a week ago Saturday and helped herself to some shredded cheese. She's opened it a few times since then. Fortunately, she usually just gets her sippy of milk and shuts the door.

She didn't nurse overnight at all last Saturday night. This week, however, has been rough again. She had a tummy ache on Sunday evening. I'm not sure if that's what's her issue is or what.

After going camping she recognized the fire in goodnight moon. She was so excited. She kept saying fire outside just like that and pointing to the picture.

She's gone potty several times last week. Tuesday she went potty and so got her ice cream reward. After she finished eating it, she asked for more. I told her if she went potty again she could have more. She ripped off her diaper, ran to the bathroom and went again. So she's getting the idea. I'm starting to have second thoughts about the ice cream as a reward.

One day at lunch this week, Maya kept asking for my cucumbers with vinegar. She ate a number of them then told me "I not like it"

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend. We rode a train and tractor, fed the sheep and goats, picked out a pumpkin.

I'm probably forgetting something but it's late and I'm tired. So now for picture overload.
Pumpkin dress my mom made (excuse the diaper pail):

The pumpkin patch:

20 months on Monday (For some reason 20 months seems so much older than 19)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

First camping trip

We took our first camping trip with Maya this past weekend. It went pretty well all things considered. Friday we drove out and got set up. It was cold at night but we bundled Maya and stuck her between us in the sleeping bags and she slept ok. She kept rolling around and hitting us. Between that, the cold, and sleeping on the ground Derek and I didn't sleep much. Saturday, it was nice during the day. We hiked a little

We saw some fish swimming upstream

In the evening, we had s'mores

I don't recommend s'mores before playing in the dirt. We had to round up quarters to give Maya a shower. And we shared the shower with a frog. Saturday night was cooler than Friday night. Maya cried off and on all night. No one really slept.
On Sunday, we grabbed coffee and a bear claw then stopped by the lake on the way home. Maya ran right in despite the cool temperature.

Some friends stayed Sunday night and apparently we missed the coldest night and a bear coming through the campground digging in everyone's stuff.

Tuesday, Maya's other canine tooth (the upper right) popped through. Thursday, we went to a park and fed the koi fish peas. Maya wants to go back and do it again. Next time we are buying some fish food. The seemed to prefer it.

Today we went to a park for a picnic then rode the train and carousel. It's awesome that there are so many good parks nearby. We had pizza tonight. In honor of that (well mostly because I was digging through old videos and found this one and it makes me laugh), here's an old video of Maya's first pizza from almost a year ago (11/23/11).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

19 Months

Here are a few pictures from the 22nd. When you pull out the camera she says pictures and runs over to sit in your lap to see them. It makes it kind of hard to take pictures of her.

These are a couple of videos from today. I took the floorboard out of her car so that she could try pushing it herself. She could only go backwards but she seemed to enjoy it. 

As you can see from these videos, she talks all the time. Her pronunciation is pretty good (at least I think so and don't think I am just biased) and is improving everyday. I was a little sad when cats stopped saying ow and cows stopped saying boo. Then Sunday we lost norse. And now in the last few days nohk has become milk. At least she still says wuv (love) and gibe (give). Speaking of wuv, she climbed up in bed with me this morning, snuggled up to my chest and said I wuv milk. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Month

On Friday, 8/31, after Maya got dressed she told me that we needed to take pictures in the chair with her bear. So we did. That evening, we took a redeye flight to visit with Derek's family. We didn't take the camera so I don't really have pictures from the trip.

On 9/3 we hitched a ride to visit friends, Auntie J and Uncle J. (She is still talking about her buddies G and E. The last few days it's been "remember G went potty" and "I wuv G and E" and "G's shoes?", "G's cup?", "E's chewy?" Also thanks to Uncle J, Maya and her dolls/animals do push-ups randomly in the kitchen or while playing outside. She always asks me to take part.) Maya's first canine, the upper left one, finally cut through the gum on 9/4 (I think). It took forever. She's still working on the upper right one. Hopefully it won't be as bad. Derek returned home on 9/5. Maya and I hung out there for a few more days before driving to visit my family. On 9/6, we visited a certain arcade/restaurant. With her tickets, Maya picked out a mouse whistle, then I picked out a straw and stickers for her.

Saturday, 9/15: we met up with all of the grandparents for a trip to the zoo. I know they all took pictures. I'll have to get some from them.

Tuesday, 9/18: Maya and I finally headed home. That morning, I was trying to pack and Maya was being a handful, climbing, pulling everything out, general toddler stuff. Her diaper leaked on her jammies so I pulled them off but didn't take the time to dress her immediately. Next time she came through she was completely naked. I went to investigate and there was a puddle in the bathroom near her diaper. She had put the little potty seat was on the toilet but couldn't climb up without help. It's the thought that counts I guess. Our flight home was with the same airline that we flew with last time, the one that left us with an overnight excursion. We went with them because we had vouchers to us. The first leg of the flight was great. They crew was helpful. They even carried the carseat onto the plane for me. The second leg, the crew was less than helpful when we were loading. I wrangled Maya, bags, and the carseat to row 17. I get everyone buckled in and settled. Then a helpful flight attendant tells me that I can't have the seat rear facing. I asked her why and she said you just can't have them rear facing on an airplane. She said she was 98-100% sure that you couldn't have them rear facing. I asked her about the infant seats and she said you can't have those rear facing either so she clearly didn't know what she was talking about. I told her I didn't agree with her, that we had flown with it rear facing several times, and that Maya would just kick the person in front of us. She said that wasn't a reason to leave it rear facing. She said she could look it up, so I said yeah why don't you. She said while I do, you change the seat around. I said something like ok but I still think you are crazy. She said that's not very nice to say to a flight attendant. I replied, you're right, I'm sorry, not crazy but wrong, you are still wrong. I saw her in the back flipping through a book and talking on the phone about me. I never heard from her again other than to get a drink later. Maya rode forward facing. But I still think I'm right. Fortunately she slept for most of the flight. And the couple sitting in front of us had 6 kids of their own. The lighting wasn't great on the plane but here she is watching "a time" on my phone before her nap.

Maya's language skill really seemed to explode during the 2.5 weeks we were gone. She went from 3 word sentences to 4 or 5 and her pronunciation of 2-3 syllable words really improved (i.e. she says all of the syllables rather than just one). Also she's pretty hilarious and can carry on a conversation. For example, she has trouble pronouncing one of my brother's name so both of them that still live at home she just calls Matt. She was saying her pray one evening and was saying thank you for everything and everyone she could see. She said thank you for Matt and Matt that one. Also, I was putting Maya, the diaper bag, and groceries in the car. I put Maya in then the groceries, then sat the diaper bag on top of the groceries. I said, "oh no! I smashed the chips." Maya said, "bad news". I wasn't sure if she was responding to me so I asked her what's bad news and she replied, "chips". 

Wednesday, 9/19: Trying on her cool new socks. Yes, I know they don't match her pants but they perfectly match the skirt I made her for her birthday.

Thursday, 9/20: Maya pooped in the potty. She got ice cream, the little bite sized chocolate coated ice cream bits, as a treat. No successes since then but she has been sitting on it fairly regularly. We aren't really pushing it but are encouraging it.

Friday, 9/21: Waiting to see the shuttle.

Saturday, 9/22: 19 months old. Hard to believe its been 19 months and she's grown from a tiny little peanut to a squirmy, talkative toddler. I have pictures but I need to upload them. In other news, Maya had a second successful potty attempt.

Sunday, 9/23: Today Maya sat on the potty but got up a too little early and it all went in the floor. Tonight when we were getting ready for bed she ran over and grabbed her dog and said "dog dog, wuv you". Also all day she's been saying more rather than norse/noose. I'm kind of sad to see her baby talk disappearing.