Saturday, August 23, 2014

Six month well check and starting solids

Thursday Nora hit 26 weeks. I seriously can't believe how mobile she currently is and I'm afraid that full blown crawling is coming way too soon. I survived trip one (i.e. two hours of quality time) to the dentist. Nora, Maya, and Derek survived too. Nora napped for him decently as she ever does. And Maya painted with glitter paint. I have not been in too much pain.

"crawling" or baby yoga

Yesterday Nora had her well baby checkup. She is 16 lbs and 26.5 inches. (Kind of funny that Maya was the same length but two lbs heavier at this age.) Nora is back up around the 47th percentile for weight so closer to what she was at birth. For several months she had dropped down below the 27th percentile so she's finally gaining well. Her length is still above average (73rd percentile) but has fallen in percentiles. Her head is still huge (98th percentile). She acted like the oral vaccine was the nastiest thing ever. She gagged, shivered, and then vomited most of it back up. (She also gagged on the tongue depressor) The first shoot didn't make her cry but the later ones did. She called down quickly and hasn't really seemed bothered by them. She did take a long nap this afternoon though. 

Today was a busy day. We gave Nora rice cereal this morning. Maya was really excited for it but Nora was not impressed. She would turn her head away and refused to open her mouth after the first bite. I figured it would just taste like milk since that's what we used to mix it. But apparently not. We'll try again tomorrow.

After that Nora took a nap. Then we had her 6 month pictures taken. From there we headed to a birthday party. It was a 45 minute drive but fortunately both girls napped on the way. They had a bouncy house, cake, and balloons. Maya was so excited. There really is nothing quite like the joy of a 3 year old. After the party was grocery shopping, dinner, and bed. Hopefully tomorrow we have time to work in Nora's room or as it's more commonly called the office. She's outgrown the bassinet. It's really time to get her crib together. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Six months for #2

 Six months. Half a year. It can't be possible can it. She thinks she's older with all this scooting, rocking on her hands and knees, and whatnot. She's basically crawling without using her arms, just uses her knees and her face. I tried to get a video of it today. She was kind of cranky though and preferred that I hold her. She goes in for her six month well baby check on Friday. It will be interesting to see her stats.

She's so interested in everything it's hard to get her to look at the camera

I think the cat's over there

Hmm, what's on the ceiling

Tastiest fingers

She loves her big sister

Maya thinks Nora's pretty great too (until she touches her stuff or pulls her hair)

She was mad that I wouldn't let her eat the arm of the chair

And Maya. She's two days shy of 3.5. That's crazy too. She's really taken an interest in writing the last few days. Yesterday and today we have been doing playschool type things just the two of us (since one friend moved and the other is out of town). She begged for more playschool things to do all day today. I couldn't keep up with her. We made a large coconut tree for her room to hang letters on as we study/learn to write them (a la chicka chicka boom boom). I'll have to get pictures. It's a big hit. These are the faces of Maya on camera: serious, cheese, and goofy smile.

 I get to spend some quality time with the dentist tomorrow. It's been three years almost exactly since my last work. Maybe kids/pregnancy is bad for my teeth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Slow down (Nora's 25 weeks, I think)

My girls are growing up too fast.

Maya, at not quite 3.5 years old she can now write her name. She's known how to spell it for a while. Wednesday we practiced writing it with me just giving verbal instructions. Today she was writing it all by herself. She had also learned to wink. It's amusing to watch, sort of a whole face wink. For one of her age, her vocabulary cracks me up sometime. Today I asked if she wanted to listen to music. She replied "yes would you like to do the honors." Wednesday we were talking about some good friends and how they are special. She replied "well they may be but we'll never know for sure." Today she put on a leotard with a tutu on it. Then she said I'm a fancy princess ballerina but I need to be fancier. So she leaves and returns wearing second tutu. Then leaves for a third and a necklace. She's like mom aren't I fancy. Maya has also started having imaginary friends. Not any that seem to stick around long term, just random ones that pop up from time to time. Sometimes they have creative names. Sometimes she pretends that it's people we know. It's interesting to see her imagination.

Maya (on the left) and her buddy P holding polka dot balloons 

Nora, at not quite six months (how did that happen) she is rolling and scooting everywhere. She can get up on her hands and knees and rock. She also can get on her hands and feet. I fear crawling may not be far behind. At least that's how it was with Maya. But Maya was 7ish months. More going on for Nora to chase after I guess. She also babbles more now. Mamama, nanana. And the occasional bababa. It's sweet to hear mama even though I know she isn't really using it to refer to me. (I do think she knows the word milk though and I've started signing it when I say it too) Maya never really babbled the m sound and she called me baba for a long time. I don't think Nora is as vocal as Maya was at this age. But maybe my three year old memories are faulty. Maybe it just seems like Maya hasn't stopped jabbering since three months or so because well have you heard her talk now.  The girl loves to talk. Nora is also really taking an interest in food recently. Last night she was wanting my glass so I left her grab it and she put it up to her mouth. I helped her too it to get some water. She seemed shocked that it was cold I think but she seemed to swallow it. Monday my mom was holding her while we were eating. Nora was watching every bite she took and smacking her lips. I guess we will be starting "solids" soon.

Nora yesterday at 25 weeks:

Up on her hands and knees

And Maya, at about the same age (8/22/11) in the same dress as Nora above (it was my dress)

Things are starting to return to some sort of normal around here after all the craziness of the summer. I'm still trying to get caught up. I feel like this may be just what having two young kids feels like. Always on the brink of chaos. It probably doesn't help that both girls have been waking up early and/or often recently. Nora has been up every two hours or so the last few days. I'm hoping it's a growth spurt or teething or something. She's always been my good sleeper. She's also been a grouch today. For several weeks before that she was up for the day at 6 more often than not. Maya, well, Maya's never been a great sleeper. I feel like when she turned 2, we turned a corner. But she still has her nights. Last night Nora woke up at 11, then was up from 12-1, Maya woke up a little after 6 she went back to sleep but woke up Nora. And this was an improvement over the previous two nights. Then Nora as usual won't nap. But this is a happy tired teetering on the edge of chaos kind of place. A happy place with a messier house and much less blogging.