Thursday, November 24, 2011

1st Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving from our little turkey.

The day didn't go quite as planned with some flooding of our garage, a minor injury, and forgetting to take the diaper bag when we went to a friends. It was nice not to have the stress of travel but we did miss everyone. And I am going to miss the shopping tomorrow as I've done in recent years with my mom and Derek's mom. Overall though today was a pleasant day with good food, family, and friends.

Maya celebrated with turkey, pumpkin, and grean beans and a cute little turkey bib.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

9 Months

Maya turned 9 months old today. Crazy, itsn't it. She had her 9 month well baby checkup today also. She's 21 lbs (84rd percentile) and 28.75 inches (87th percentile). Her head is in the 94th percentile. The doctor was impressed with how active and mobile she is and how well she grabs/handles objects. She recommended that we up her solid feedings to three to four times a day rather than just the two we have been doing. But said that her growth looked great. She is also cutting teeth on the top, not showing through but definitely working on them. This along with a cold that started last Monday, have meant a very cranky baby and very little sleep around here. I think it was mostly the cold. All day, she would whine until I'd pick her up then she'd whine to get down, then whine for me to pick her up. At night she was up every hour or 1.5 hours. It was just starting to get better the last couple of days. But then I caught her cold and now Derek. We're hoping that her teething or flu shot doesn't disrupt her sleeping again. I'll blame this combined with a visit from Maya's grandpa and gram the week before on my lack of blogging. To make up for it, here's some pictures

This one is from Saturday

This one is from today
What has Maya been up to since I last wrote. Two weeks ago, Maya started waving and saying hi. She won't really do it recently. She's not as much into clapping, either. Maybe it's just because she hasn't been feeling well. Two Saturdays ago, Maya went to the zoo for the first time. She seemed to like it. She made her happy squeal noises at the animals that moved around. This past Saturday, Maya stood for several seconds without holding on to anything. She's let go a few times in addition to this. She's usually fine until she realizes that she's not holding on and then sits. Sunday, she started fake coughing. It's funny. She's really into eating puffs and cheerios this week and not into purees unless its squash or sweet potatoes. She won't pick up anything and eat it unless it's crunchy. We've tried bits of sweet potatoes and smashed peas without success. I'm wondering if her appetite will pick back up after her cold is completely gone or her teeth break through. She is as always into cups. We went shopping today. We played with several toys and put them back. No tears. We looked at a sippy cup and put it back. Lots of tears.