Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Belated Mother's Day

How is May almost over already? We had a  busy month. Maya and I left on the 7th to go home home for my "little" brother's graduation. Maya did well on the flights as usual. Lots of snacking, some sleeping. She even used the potty on the airplane even though she was a little freaked out about it. She was fascinated by the pilots and cockpit. 

 Maya enjoyed playing in the rain (as you saw in my previous post) and petting my mom's chicks. She also enjoyed playing with my nieces and nephew and playing at my grandma's house, especially jumping on the bed (a mattress on the floor).

Entertaining ourselves prior to the graduation ceremony. Maya fell asleep right at the end so all the post ceremony pictures have me holding a sleeping peanut and I didn't get any with my camera.

We spent mother's day with my mom and grandma.

The following weekend we spent with Derek's parents. We played at the park, had breakfast at Gram's school, had lots of fun. We came home on the 21st.

We spent the rest of last week trying to adjust back to the time zone and get back into our routine. Saturday we went day "camping" with some friend. Sunday we checked out a different farmers market after church. And Monday we were lazy and hung out at home all day aside from a trip to the store.

Some funnies from May:
Derek's parents have a bird feeder hanging outside their back door. Every time Maya saw a bird on it she'd run over and scream "aah" and they'd fly away. They told her not to scare the birds away. She replied, "Maya is just helping them fly."

I painted Maya's fingernails while we were away (well only on one hand because that's all she wanted). She also watched my niece put on makeup (confession I think I've only worn makeup once, maybe twice since Maya's been born). We were playing with her doll after we got home. The doll had something on it's eye and I tried to rub it off. Maya said "maybe it's eye polish, to help her blink better."

A few days later, Derek was helping Maya get dressed. Maya was poking/rubbing her eye. Derek asked her if her eye hurt. She said, "no, I'm just looking at my eye pits."

When we were camping we walked up to the bathroom so Maya and her little friend P could go potty. On the way back P says, "this is an adventure." Maya replies, "actually, it's a hill."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Why you shouldn't read to your kids installment 2:
In the bath one night, Maya was trying to squeeze in behind me and said "there's no room for fat little peanuts" thanks to Peter Rabbit. She also says things like "she called out" and "taking sand/sticks/etc to her family" from this book.

She sometimes finds it necessary to knock all the magnetic letters off the fridge a la chicka chicka boom boom.

She unrolled a roll of toilet paper after reading love you forever.

Other Maya funnys. 
She asks us to sing wheels on the car ALL THE TIME. It can't be bus, must be car. One day I sang the babies in the car... Maya pipes up with "actually, there's only one baby in the car"

She was trying to do something and it didn't go as she had wanted so she said "that didn't work out so well".

Since I'm a slacker here is a video from March for your enjoyment. Don't laugh.

Hahaha. Ahem. And here's another from last week.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Snow and other April happenings

April was apparently a busy month. On 4/6 Maya woke up a little snotty. She seemed to feel ok so I left her with Derek while I went to a baby shower, for which I made cute little fondant faces.

Maya got progressively worse over the weekend. By Monday morning she had a pretty high fever and I thought she was having trouble breathing again. I gave her some ibuprofen and a nebulizer treatment and called the doctor. Of course her doctor isn't in on Mondays. By her appointment in the afternoon, she was definitely having retractions. The doctor thought that she sounded worse on the left side and was concerned that she had pneumonia. He prescribed her a antibiotic on top of the nebulizer. We made it to two without needing any antibiotics so I guess that's not bad. I got what she had this time instead of Derek. But I wasn't as sick as she was.

On 4/11 we started our garden. Hopefully things will go better this year than last.

On 4/19 we went to the mountains for the weekend . On Friday night we lost power in the cabin. The neighbors were like yeah it usually is off for a few hours or weeks when this happens. Fortunately, it was only off for a few hours. Unfortunately, it was during the time we were trying to do Maya's nebulizer and get her ready for bed. We did the nebulizer in the car and found enough candles and flashlights to get around the house. Maya was really concerned about the lights being broken and wanted Derek to fix them. On Saturday we went to play in the snow. Maya really enjoyed it this year. She loved sledding. Her mittens wouldn't stay on though and her hands kept getting cold. Our cabin had a hot tub. We turned the temperature down to bath water temp and used it as a kiddie pool. It was also right across from a small "lake" that had a sandy beach area. Too cool to play in the water but Maya had a blast throwing stuff in. Sunday afternoon Derek wanted to go on a hike. The two trails he had in mind though were covered in snow. We ended up walking around a lake, having a picnic, then taking the scenic route home. Maya slept for over 3 hours on the drive home.

Derek had the job of flinging her back uphill
I'd catch her and then nudge her back down

(Compared to us at the same place last year.)

partially frozen lake we walked around

scenic drive home

Maya on 4/22. She refused to stand still at look at the camera. How has she been two for two months already?

On 4/24 we had a bit of excitement. We were at our usual Bible study when we noticed cops right outside, then the big guns they were carrying, and then the whole swat team. They were appaerently there for a guy across the street. Maya's still young enough that she didn't understand what was going on. She was just upset that she had to sit in the corner with everyone instead of running around playing. Gave me a bit of a scare though.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy birthday to Derek

Derek's birthday was Monday. Maya and I made cupcakes and picked up balloons and  a present. We had to sing and light candles for three days until the cupcakes were "gone" (don't tell Maya that I froze some for later). Birthdays are more fun now with Maya. She greeted Derek with a "it's your birsday!!" when he came home from work. 

I told her to smile

Cupcakes with sprinkles by Maya (never thought I would own so many bottles of sprinkles) 

Dad's flower book (or never tell a 2 year old what a gift is)

It's really a hiking book in flower paper (and Derek had already seen the book store in the bank statement)

No birthday is complete without balloons