Monday, January 31, 2011

She Who Must Not Be Named, 35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks 3 days
News from this week?  I had a non stress test on Thursday.  We were the first ones in and last ones out.  She was not moving as much as they like, despite eating before I went in and drinking ice water there.  After about 45 minutes or so they pulled out the buzzer to wake her up.  Everything was fine after that.  I wasn't having contractions this time, fortunately.  My blood pressure was still up but not considered high yet.  I've started having some swelling in my hands all the time now.  This is a little concerning considering my blood pressure has been creeping up.  But hopefully these things won't become an issue.  In general, I feel pretty good still.  I'm tired all the time again.  The insomnia combined with the middle of the night pee breaks and the aching hips make it nearly impossible to sleep any length of time.  I'm not sure if it is better or worse than the first trimester exhaustion, at least then I could sleep.   I went for a massage on Friday.  Definitely nice.  Thanks to Derek's parents for the birthday gift.  We are scheduled to have more classes this week but they will probably get cancelled if the weather gets as nasty as they are predicting. 
Movement?  She's moving around at the moment.  I'm watching my bump move around as I type this.  However, she's been her usual lazy self the last few days.  She barely passed her kick counts Friday and Saturday.  Sunday she was a little more active.  Maybe she didn't like the lap desk touching my stomach when I was working on thank you cards.
Food cravings?  I woke up this morning needing lemonade.  I wanted it enough that we made a trip to the store this evening despite the crowds resulting from the coming storm.
Milestones?  Apparently I look really pregnant now or something.  At least five people commented on my bump on Sunday.   I should take a picture this week.  Maybe I'll do that tomorrow, I'm already in my pjs tonight.

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