Monday, January 17, 2011

She Who Must Not Be Named, 33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks 3 days 
Best moment this week?  On Saturday, I was holding a friend's new baby and She Who Must Not Be Named kicked her the entire time.
Movement?  Still lazy some days but she passed her kick counts this week.  When she is active it really makes my belly wiggle.
Food cravings?  Nothing really.  Still a fan of grapefruit and fruit in general.
Milestones?  Not baby related but Derek and I celebrated our seventh anniversary a week ago. 

A different kind of excitement this week.  My shower was Saturday morning.  It was hosted by four friends.  One of them, we will call her J, was pregnant and five weeks ahead of me.  We planned the shower early enough that we thought J would be able to attend.  However, her water broke early on Saturday morning and she delivered a beautiful baby girl that afternoon.  The shower was still lovely and we got to visit her in the hospital afterwards.  

Owl cake made by a friend.  It tasted as good as it looked.

She also made these cookies.

Loot from the shower.

Closeup of the blanket made by J. 

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