Saturday, January 22, 2011

She Who Must Not Be Named, 34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 1 day
News from this week?  I had my usual doctor's appointment on Thursday.  She seems to be measuring right on track.  Heartbeat was nice and strong in the 140s.  She was in her favorite position these days, head down and crammed into my far right side.  My blood pressure was up a little.  Not high really, just higher than my normal.  After the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of being hooked up to the monitors for half an hour or so for a non-stress test and repeat blood pressure checks.  The doc said prior to the monitoring that if everything looked good he would see us at our regularly scheduled appointment in two weeks.  Afterwards, the nurse said he wanted me to make an appointment next week for monitoring again but I didn't get a chance to ask why.  That is a downside of a late afternoon appointment.  Derek and I think it might just be because my blood pressure didn't go down.  I guess we just start weekly appointments a week early.
Movement?  She seems to get the hiccups all the time recently, three times yesterday and a couple of times today.  They always seem to annoy her and get her moving.  But I feel kind of bad for her.  
Food cravings?  Nothing really.  I made some chocolate peanut butter oatmeal no bake cookies yesterday.  She Who Must Not Be Named seemed to approve.  I still have food aversions.  I never really expected them to hang around this long.
What I miss?  Being able to sleep.  Eggs over easy.
Milestones?  We started washing baby clothes this week.  Also, I forgot to mention it before, but we started classes at the hospital last week.  Today we had cpr and first aid.  
What I'm looking forward to?  Getting the rest of the baby stuff in order.  More classes Tuesday and Thursday.  My appointment on Thursday.  And also, hopefully, a pregnancy massage sometime this week or next.

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