Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Introducing Evan Martin

tldr version: Evan Martin was born on 5/12. He was 8 lb 6 oz and 20 inches long. His two big sisters are in love.

Long version: Friday (5/12) was my due date. I woke up a little before 4 to use the bathroom. Before I got up I coughed and felt a gush. I thought that I had just peed myself since pregnancy is glamorous. I went to the bathroom and notice some blood. I don't think too much of it since I'd had a cervical check the day before (was dilated to 3) that had caused some bleeding. I got back in bed and contractions start. They were uncomfortable and around 7 to 10 minutes apart. Around 7, the contractions slowed way down. I took Maya to school, did a mother's day activity with her class, made arrangements for a friend's mom to take Maya to girls scouts and then home. The whole time I'm concerned that my water is going to break dramatically in front of 23 kindergartners. I got home a little after 10 and the contractions pick back up again. Nora and I had lunch. I called my ob at 11:30 and he said to head to labor and delivery. I called dh and he headed home from work. We got to triage around 12:30. I went to the restroom to get changed into a gown and when I stood up I left a puddle on the floor. I was dilated to 6 and yes my water was in fact broken. We moved to a room and got settled. I walked around, sat on the ball, watched a movie, tried to nap. The contractions continued but didn't get much stronger. Around 6 pm, I was still at a six. The on call ob wanted to start pitocin. My contractions were starting to get more painful at this point so I requested that we wait an hour and check again before augmenting. My nurse agreed. After an hour, still not really any progress. A new ob was on call and she was also pushing the pitocin. I decided to get the epidural and pitocin at this point because I was in pain, exhausted, and just wanted him out safely. After a very short time on a low dose of pitocin, my contractions were back to back and strong. LO's heart rate was decelerating with each contraction and he was showing other signs of distress. I was stuck on my left side because that made him the happiest.  At some point, they turned off the pitocin. It was finally go time. Then the ob got a phone call and left. She finally came back and lo was born at 10:58 pm after about 4 pushes. He had a nuchal cord and that is why he was showing signs of disress. They untangled him and put him on my chest. He immediately peed on me. The ob gushed about how perfect his umbilical cord was. They took him to try to get him to cry more and clear out his lungs and to measure him. He was 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long (a full pound heavier and inch longer than Nora and 2 lb 5 oz and 2 inches up on Maya). I get him back for skin to skin and he nursed beautifully. He didn't get a name until mid morning Saturday. He's named after my dad and Derek's brother.

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