Sunday, May 28, 2017

Evan is 2 weeks and a bit of a trouble maker

It's been quite a week around here. Last Sunday, we noticed that Evan was breathing faster than a newborn should. I called the on call pediatrician and she said to take him to the ER. Apparently urgent care isn't set up to handle the little bitties. At the ER they monitored him forever. His vitals were all perfect except for his respiration rate. The ER doctor called down a pediatrician from the children's hospital. She finally came and checked him out. She agreed he looks perfect other than the breathing. She called the neonatologist. They finally decided to send us home to follow up with our pediatrician.

Tuesday we saw our pediatrician. His weight was up to 9 lbs 6 oz. Someone tell him to stop growing so fast. His pediatrician ordered a chest x-ray. Not fun on such a little guy. Tuesday evening the pediatrician called with the results. His lungs looked great. But his heart looked large. She refers us to a pediatric cardiologist for an echocardiogram.

Wednesday morning we talked to the cardiologist and set up an appointment for Thursday morning. Wednesday evening, we started to worry about the color around his mouth. Was it blueish or just white? If it weren't for everything else going on I probably would have chalked it up to typical newborn weirdness. But given everything else, back to the ER we went. They decided to admit him for observation and do the echocardiogram in patient on Thursday. His umbilical cord "tag" fell off while we were in the ER.
Newborn with adult sized electrodes
his tag fell off between this picture and the one above

It was midnight before they finally sent us to the children's hospital wing. Then they had to do all all the intake stuff and then they wanted to draw blood to check for some metabolic issues. It took 2+ hours to get blood. It was not pleasant. We finally catch a few hours of sleep. Derek leaves to take Maya to school. At some point I talked to the pediatrician. Derek returned. The cardiologist got stuck in traffic. Finally get the echocardiogram around 11. His heart looked perfect. We were discharged around 2:30 with instructions to follow up with his pediatrician the following day.

Infant sized electrodes

Friday we had his 2 week appointment already scheduled for Friday morning. He was 21.5 inches (90th percentile), 9 lbs 11 oz (82nd percentile), and his head was 38 cm (97th percentile, up from 34.5 cm 50th percentile at birth). His pediatrician commented on his weight gain and head growing faster than expected so we should keep an eye on it. We still aren't sure what's going on with his. His pediatrician is out of the office for the next two weeks so she brings in her colleague to get to know Evan. He words were something like "I don't want anyone to freak out when they see him". So that's comforting? At this point we still don't have an explanation but have ruled out many of the most nasty cause. After our appointment, our pediatrician and her colleague were apparently discussing Evan and what to do next. Or pediatrician called us in the afternoon and asked us to bring him back for a CBC. The colleague called Friday evening with results. Still no answers.

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