Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Six months for #2

 Six months. Half a year. It can't be possible can it. She thinks she's older with all this scooting, rocking on her hands and knees, and whatnot. She's basically crawling without using her arms, just uses her knees and her face. I tried to get a video of it today. She was kind of cranky though and preferred that I hold her. She goes in for her six month well baby check on Friday. It will be interesting to see her stats.

She's so interested in everything it's hard to get her to look at the camera

I think the cat's over there

Hmm, what's on the ceiling

Tastiest fingers

She loves her big sister

Maya thinks Nora's pretty great too (until she touches her stuff or pulls her hair)

She was mad that I wouldn't let her eat the arm of the chair

And Maya. She's two days shy of 3.5. That's crazy too. She's really taken an interest in writing the last few days. Yesterday and today we have been doing playschool type things just the two of us (since one friend moved and the other is out of town). She begged for more playschool things to do all day today. I couldn't keep up with her. We made a large coconut tree for her room to hang letters on as we study/learn to write them (a la chicka chicka boom boom). I'll have to get pictures. It's a big hit. These are the faces of Maya on camera: serious, cheese, and goofy smile.

 I get to spend some quality time with the dentist tomorrow. It's been three years almost exactly since my last work. Maybe kids/pregnancy is bad for my teeth.

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