Wednesday Feb 19th, I had my 40 week appointment at 40 weeks 3 days. Maya insisted on coming to the appointment with me. She pretty much refused to nap so that she wouldn't miss it. She loves to hear the heartbeat and the Dr. gives her a lollipop. My Dr. commented that most girls aren't so happy to see the OB/GYN. I told him he should give out more lollipops. I was dilated to 3ish but #2 was still really high as she had been for weeks. The Dr. was concerned that she was not coming on her own soon. We discussed induction and decided that it would happen Sunday Feb 23rd if she didn't come before then. He mentioned he was on call the following day Thursday the 20th. As I left he offered me a lollipop. I declined but told him I hoped to see him tomorrow.
After my appointment Maya, my mom and I went to the park for a snack picnic and to play, then home for supper. While eating I noticed my contractions were happening more frequently than normal. I started timing them and they were frequent but not really regular at anywhere from 4 to 11 minutes apart. I went about my usual evening routine: got Maya in bed, watched some Olympics then went to bed around midnight. As I was falling asleep I thought "hmm, these contractions seem more frequent and stronger, maybe I should get up and time them." Then I fell asleep. The contractions woke me up Thursday morning at 3am. I started timing them and they were less than 5 min apart. Derek woke up at 3:30 and I called the Dr's office at 4. The on-call Dr. called me back sounding sleepy and told me to head on in to the hospital. We packed a few last minute things and got there at about 5. We got checked in and the nurse checked me. I was 5 cm and fully effaced but #2 was still really high and ballotable [MEANING WHAT? WAS SHE RUNNING FOR OFFICE?]. My blood pressure was up a little. The nurse said "you are probably staying at the hospital". At around 6:30 the on-call Dr. came in. She checked and agreed with the nurse about my progress. They weren't sure #2 was head down so she brought in the ultrasound machine for a peek. She was. The Dr. commented that if she was lower she would break my water. I replied "yeah I guess we don't want to risk a cord prolapse". She was surprised and asked if I was a Dr. Derek told her I was medically inclined. The Dr. walked out and minutes later my water broke. I really don't remember so much fluid with Maya. Maybe it's because I had a small leak with her prior to the rupture? We called my mom and Derek's parents to let them know it was time.
Around this time the nurses and Drs were changing shifts. My initial nurse asked if I'd had an epidural with my first, which I did, and then said "I'll mark yes for one this time then." My new nurse asked about my first and then asked about this time. I replied, "maybe, I'd like to wait and see but for now I'm fine". The nurse tried was prepping for my IV. I shared the IV horror story from Maya's birth. She looked at my hands, agreed I didn't have good veins, and have me a poke. She was taking forever and muttering to herself. Never a good sign. She then called in anesthesia and they got it in the first poke.
My Dr. came in to check on me when he came on shift at 7.
The times are all a little fuzzy. I tried lying on my left side for a while with a big inflatable peanut between my knees at the nurse's recommendation. Then I tried sitting with my knees spread to let gravity to help get the baby to drop. They checked my blood pressure intermittently. We watched some hockey. Contractions were quite manageable until I reached 6-7 cm and her head was nice and low. I tried to get up and move around some but could not really get comfortable. Things got pretty intense. I was hot and nauseated. They brought in a fan. At some point I was saying "I can't do this." My nurse suggested I sit on the toilet, that the position tends to help dilate the last little bit. She said she thought I only had about 10 contractions left before it was time to push. I didn't make it to the bathroom; probably a good thing. I again said I couldn't do to it, I needed something; I got a dose of fentanyl. If I'd realized how little labor I really had left I would have skipped it. I started feeling the need to push. My nurse checked and I had just a little lip left. I kept saying "sorry I'm pushing accidentally." The Dr. came in. My nurse said to listen to my Dr. He said "it's OK you can push." A single contraction and push later her head was out then her shoulders and the rest of her. Birth time of 11:03 am. No stitches needed. My Drx said it was his easiest delivery of the day so far. They immediately plopped her on my chest and rubbed her down to get her mad. She was nice and pink. Derek got to cut the cord.
We stayed in L&D for two hours while they checked out me and #2, we breastfed, got cleaned up. We then got sent to the mother-baby overflow unit in the main hospital rather than the primary unit in the women's hospital. The nurse tried to convince them to let me take a wheelchair to my room, but hospital policy is to use a gurney. The gurney was supposed to be self-powered but it didn't work. The nurse finally put it in neutral but then needed someone else to help steer. It was a bumpy ride. I was just happy to have a private room. Apparently, they aren't all private. It wasn't until we were settled in our room that #2 got a name. Eleanor Naomi. (We may call her Nora.) We then made the calls to everyone.
Because of the flu season, kids were banned from visiting the hospital. Derek went home to eat with Maya (special trip to her favorite Panera Bread) and do the usual bedtime routine. Then he came back to stay with Nora and me.
Day 2, Feb 21
It's impossible to sleep at the hospital. We are hoping to get out of here today, a day earlier than they usually do. That made for a busy day.
It's impossible to sleep at the hospital. We are hoping to get out of here today, a day earlier than they usually do. That made for a busy day.
They weighed Eleanor some time in the night. She was down to 7 lbs 3.6 oz.
My Dr came in pretty early. I was cleared to go home. He said he delivered 7 babies yesterday and mine was the easiest delivery. He then asked if we are having a third. He said he had to encourage the good people to have more because he had grandkids to think about and wanted good people around them. Thanks, I think.
The pediatrician making rounds came in. Said Eleanor looks perfect and that if she passes her exams we are well home to go home early.
The hospital lifted the flu ban and Maya and my mom got to visit. They were doing the hearing test then the newborn screening when they arrived. Maya was really shy. She kept asking "is that my baby sister?" Maya got to hold her. We had the professional picture people come in around noon and got photos of Eleanor and all of us. Then Derek, Maya and my mom grabbed lunch in the hospital cafeteria while I had lunch. They then went home so Maya could take a nap. She cried because she wanted mom and baby sister to come home with her.
Derek came back. Eleanor had her pulse oximetry screening. We talked to the notary about birth certificates. We waited for results from everything. Finally we were cleared to go. We get Eleanor dressed. Then she filled her diaper. We get her cleaned up, dressed again and then repeated the whole thing again. The volunteer came in to push me down. It's kind of weird to be wheeled out by an elderly lady when I felt fine to walk. Hospital policy. We got to the curb to wait for Derek and she filled her diaper again.
We left the hospital at about 3:30 pm.
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