Nora had a pediatrician visit today for her belly button. The pediatrician confirmed that I wasn't crazy for thinking it looked funny. She called it a granuloma and cauterized it with silver nitrate. Nora was up to 8 lbs 6 oz, a full pound above her birth weight at just over two weeks. It's kind of crazy how fast they grow the first few weeks.
This is what I found in the living room this morning when I woke up
compared to this on 4/9/2011
I went back to church for the first time since Nora was born. Took Maya with me but left Nora with Derek. She's been begging for us all to go as a family. We might try next week. As a compromise, Maya took her pictures of Nora to show everyone. She is so proud of her baby sister. When we got home, Nora nursed and then projectile vomited on me. Maya never spit up so it really freaked me out. She's been really fussy today too.
Nora is still a fussy baby today. Lots of snuggling and bouncing. Her stomach was really rumbly. Not sure if that was causing her discomfort or what. Combined with the vomit yesterday I'm a little concerned.
Nora is still fussy today. I'm hoping this isn't her new normal. Please no colic. Please no colic.
Nora seems happier today.
Nora is three weeks old.
Nora smiled a few times while awake today. Not sure if it's intentional yet. We had a park playdate today. Nora slept in the wrap other than a quick lunch. Maya was happy to see her friends. After her nap, Maya noticed her pinky toenail was falling off. Cue hysterical crying. It's not so much that it hurt, I think, she was just upset about it. We tried to reassure her that it would grow back but she wasn't satisfied. We finally bandaged it and put socks on her and she forgot until bath time. By then the entire nail had fallen off completely leaving a little sliver of normal looking toenail behind and it didn't freak her out so much. We also turned Maya's car seat forward facing today. Derek and Maya have been wanting it for a while, but I was fighting it because paranoid. But her seat in the "white car" was forward facing and she never wanted to ride in the van so I finally gave in.
Nora went to church for the first time tonight. Maya, Nora and I hung out in the nursery while Derek sang. Nora slept almost the whole time. Word got out that we were there and a few people came in to take a peek. She wore the dress that auntie J crochet for her. Maya had to wear a pink dress to match. I see less of matching clothes in their future if Maya continues to be obsessed with it.
Nora got to meet her other grandparents tonight. Derek's parents arrived to stay for the week. Maya is very excited to have people around.
Nora had a hair in her eye this evening. It was longer than an eyelash. We tried to get it out with a wet washcloth and then saline. We succeeded in moving the hair around but not getting it out. She was not impressed by our efforts. She didn't seem bothered by the hair so we decided to try again in the morning when she's not so tired. If no luck, we'll call the pediatrician. It seems to bother me more than it bothers her.
No signs of the offending eye hair this morning. Nora decided 4:30 was the new 7:30 so we were up quite a bit of the night. The last few days she's decided she doesn't want to sleep in the mornings. She'll almost fall asleep then scream then repeat. Then she's out of it all afternoon. I'm hoping we figure out some sort of routine before Derek goes back to work. I got another smile out of her today. Still not convinced they are intentional.
Maya had playschool this morning. They learned about the letter m. The teacher interviewed Maya since her name starts with m.
How old are you? 3
What's your favorite color? Green
What's your favorite food? Noodles and fish (because I'm a pteranodon)
What's your favorite song? Twinkle twinkle, row row row your boat, and the lord is good to me.
What is your favorite thing to do? Play
After playschool we went out to eat at Maya's favorite restaurant since it was a lovely day and we could sit outside.