Saturday, November 30, 2013

Out of the mouths of toddlers

Maya likes to make up words right now. She say it a few times then will ask "do you know what (made-up word) means?" She then defines the word. It's pretty entertaining. Sometimes she will do something similar for actual words. One day Maya asked me "mom, do you know what problem means?" I replied "what does it mean?" She answered "it means you have a baby in your tummy." Me: "I think you mean pregnant."

One day, Maya and I were talking about how she started as a baby and was growing bigger and bigger and one day she would be an adult. She got really excited and said "then I can cut my own fingernails." So now you know the best part of being an adult.

Maya is frequently asking about baby sister and specifically if she's growing. I usually reply something like yes she's growing bigger until she's big enough to come out of my tummy. A few days ago we were discussing this and Maya says "then she'll pop right out of there" pointing to my cleavage. Uh, yeah, something like that.

In other news, Maya has finally cut her last two second molars. Now if we can keep her healthy and get her adjusted to the time change we might actually get some sleep before starting over in February. Well might have to figure out a solution to the middle of the night potty trips and false alarms. I think someone she will hear me get up and go. Then dreams/thinks she tinkled in her panties. She's only had one actual accident since we went diaper free twoish months ago so I guess I can't really complain to much. Besides Derek usually gets up with her these days.

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