Sunday, December 1, 2013

#2, 29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Best moment this week? Had an appointment on Tuesday. Everything looked good. I had commented to Derek that I felt larger this time than with Maya at the same time. Sure enough, I was measuring about 3 weeks ahead. That could mean she's large or sitting funny or have more fluid or could just be because my muscles have done this before. I'm curious to see how big she will be.
Movement? She's pretty active. She is kicking as I type. She has slow days and those always concern me. I usually do an unofficial kick count on those days and she has no trouble passing. My doctor said it's usually because they are turned funny and then you just can't feel it as well. On Tuesday, she kept squirming around and kicking the doppler when we were listening to her heart beat. The doc commented that she was active. A couple of weeks ago, Maya was sitting in my lap and #2 kept kicking her. I asked Maya if she could feel it and she could.
Food cravings? Nothing really. My mouth is generally so dry that I'm drinking water, crunching ice or chewing gum (only the cinnamon kind) all the time.
What I love? Watching my belly wiggle from the outside.
What I miss? Chocolate. The halloween leftovers are still around taunting me.
What I'm looking forward to? 30 weeks. It's not a milestone exactly but it just seems different than the 20s. Hard to believe that if she comes as early as her sister should could be here in less than 10 weeks. Guess we should look at names. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks. Down to every three weeks rather than four for the next few appointments. Then I think it goes to every other week for a while.
Also, not pregnancy related but I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. We put up our tree this weekend and Maya is super excited. She's been asking every day if it's Christmas yet. Although we will miss being with family this year, I think Maya is at a great age to enjoy everything and it should be fun.
Milestones? I the last few weeks I've had several strangers ask me when I'm due. I guess that means I look pregnant enough for them to feel confident asking.

I've been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions the last few days. I started having them way early this time, around 16 weeks. But they weren't that frequent. It seems like with Maya I had them more regularly in the early 30s weeks. Not really a concern, just a nuisance.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Out of the mouths of toddlers

Maya likes to make up words right now. She say it a few times then will ask "do you know what (made-up word) means?" She then defines the word. It's pretty entertaining. Sometimes she will do something similar for actual words. One day Maya asked me "mom, do you know what problem means?" I replied "what does it mean?" She answered "it means you have a baby in your tummy." Me: "I think you mean pregnant."

One day, Maya and I were talking about how she started as a baby and was growing bigger and bigger and one day she would be an adult. She got really excited and said "then I can cut my own fingernails." So now you know the best part of being an adult.

Maya is frequently asking about baby sister and specifically if she's growing. I usually reply something like yes she's growing bigger until she's big enough to come out of my tummy. A few days ago we were discussing this and Maya says "then she'll pop right out of there" pointing to my cleavage. Uh, yeah, something like that.

In other news, Maya has finally cut her last two second molars. Now if we can keep her healthy and get her adjusted to the time change we might actually get some sleep before starting over in February. Well might have to figure out a solution to the middle of the night potty trips and false alarms. I think someone she will hear me get up and go. Then dreams/thinks she tinkled in her panties. She's only had one actual accident since we went diaper free twoish months ago so I guess I can't really complain to much. Besides Derek usually gets up with her these days.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pumpkin Patch/Happy Halloween

On October 19th we went to the pumpkin patch. Maya loved it this year. Gem mining, petting zoo, spinning pumpkin ride, tractor ride, cotton candy, she enjoyed it all.

On the 22nd, she tried on her costume to make sure it fit and I snapped some pictures as she hopped around the yard.

On the 24th we went to a Halloween party at Derek's work. They had a lot of arts/craft things for the kids, which Maya really enjoyed. Add in a bus ride, cookies, snacks, and candy and she was a happy kangaroo. Although there were a ton of people there, I think we all had fun.

On the 26th we painted pumpkins. I need to get some photos of the finished pumpkins.

On Halloween, we took Maya trick-or-treating in our neighborhood this year. She remembered going last year with friends and her pumpkin bag. She wanted both again this year but she settled for just the pumpkin bag. It's crazy how much she remembers. Maya got too much candy just from our street. A number of our neighbors had Halloween lights and decorations. Maya loved the lights but was scared of anything that moved or made noise. On guy jumped out and said boo when he opened the spot. When he saw us he apologized, said he thought she was an older kid. But Maya surprising thought it was hilarious. She still talks about it. She decided she was done trick or treating when someone has a doormat that screamed when you stepped on it.

Maya started getting a little snotty on Halloween. Seemed to be just another cold, her fourth for the season so we didn't think took much of it. On Saturday she woke up in a bad mood then puked at breakfast from all the drainage. She also starred wheezing so we started back on the nebulizer. Sunday I woke up feeling a lot of pelvic pressure. A call to the on call ob and a visit to the clinic to test for a uti followed. It was a great way to spend our first free weekend in a month. Monday I woke up to more classic uti symptoms but had trouble getting drugs from the doctor since my urine culture wasn't showing anything yet. It actually never showed anything but I've had enough uti's to know one and the antibiotic helped. Hopefully my doctor doesn't think I'm crazy.

Now that we are all feeling better, we've been enjoying the lovely weather. We went to a park at least 3 times last week. And I've tried to be better at taking walks. I never thought I'd say that I miss jogging but I do. Maya has been anxiously waiting for there to be enough leaves in our yard to jump in. Yesterday there finally was. But then they came to mow and raked them all up. Fortunately, I anticipated that that might happen so we played in them before lunch/nap.

We have started a very informal preschool co-op with two other moms/toddlers. We are going through the alphabet, taking turns hosting/teaching. Yesterday was the letter c at our house. Maya was super exited for her friends to come to her house and play. We made cut out cookies (really they were more like graham crackers) with lots of sprinkles and then played in c themed sensory bins (really just a cake pan filled corn meal and popcorn with a coin, chocolate candy bar, car, cup, candle, and chocolate coin hidden inside.). The girls loved it. It was a little messy but worth it.

#2, 26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks
Best moment this week? Passed my glucose tolerance test. They require everyone to take the two hour one. Unfortunately, I only have one good vein for three pokes. Great way to spend a Saturday morning. At least they had Wi-Fi. I would say bring on the Halloween candy but chocolate gives me killer heartburn. Maybe it's for the best given all the candy we have in the house.
Movement? Some days she's crazy. Some days she's calm. Calm enough to start my worrying. She does get moving with sugar.
Food cravings? Still like salad and broccoli slaw. Also looking forward to Thanksgiving.
What I love? Feeling her move. 
What I miss? Drinking coffee whenever I want. Too much or too early in the day makes me nauseous all day.
What I'm looking forward to?  27 weeks on Sunday, making it to the third trimester.
Milestones? Nothing this week.

Maya was concerned when I put on this sweater. She told Derek it's too small or something to that effect.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Not too terrible twos

Maya definitely has her moments of what we call acting like a two year old. Her favorite phrase right now is "but I want/don't want" x. Meltdowns occur for often trivial reasons; her piece of cake fell over, her snack broke, we arrived home before the song playing ended, someone was touching something she wanted to play with, etc. But usually as long as she's well fed and rested she's a real joy. She's really into music, singing, dress up, drawing, coloring, cutting, gluing, legos, fp little people, helping me. I'm amazed at her drawing and coloring skills. She can draw little circle people complete with eyes, noses, mouths, and legs. And when she wants to she does an impressive job of coloring mostly within the lines. She's also handy with a pair of scissors. Today we did a little practice writing M and A. I'm not really sure what's normal for a 2 year old as far as gross and fine motor skills go but I am impressed.

Maya funny: We were going through Maya's baby clothes and she came across a pair of booties. She asked me what they were. I replied, "booties." She gave me a strange look, paused, and said "for your boobs? boobies?" 

#2, 23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Best moment this week? So not from this week, but right after my last post (20 wks and 1 day) Derek was able to feel a kick from the outside.
Movement? She's getting stronger and I'm definitely feeling her more.
Food cravings? Nothing really.
What I love? Hearing Maya talk about her baby sister. One morning she woke up and came in to give me a hug and kiss then gave my belly one too for baby sister.
What I miss? Nothing really.
What I'm looking forward to?  24 weeks on Sunday. OB appointment on Tuesday.
Milestones? Nothing this week.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

#2, 20 Weeks

I did this with Maya so thought maybe I should try it again this time.

How far along? 20 weeks
Best moment this week?  We had the anatomy scan on Monday. Found out it's likely a girl. And she looks "perfect" but she's stubborn and wouldn't move. I seriously was wondering if she was alive for the first 15 minutes or so of the scan. She was crammed up in the corner with her face buried. I was actually the same corner that Maya liked. But this little one was head up. After 45 minutes or so of trying to get the measurements the tech asked me to empty my bladder and then hopefully she would move. She tried for another 15 minutes or so and had me roll onto my side. She then left to talk to the radiologist. She came back with new tech to try to get more shots of her face. Fortunately she had moved. Unfortunately, she then looked like this
That's both hands in front of her face. I guess she's camera shy. After an hour and a half we finally had all the pictures they needed. But we didn't really get any good ones of her.

After the appointment, we went to get Maya from a friends house. I told her she was getting a baby sister. She replied "or a baby brother. We don't know yet." I tried to explain that the doctor took a picture and said that it was probably a sister. At the end of the week we were talking about it again and she said "I picked! I picked!" That's exactly how it happened I'm sure. But I think it's finally sinking in. She's been talking about how baby sister can wear the clothes that are too little for her or play with her toys when baby sister gets bigger.

Movement? I've been feeling her move sporadically for 4ish weeks now. I'm hoping for consistent movements soon. Thanks to Maya I'm a little paranoid about movement. At least she's kicking me as I type this. She had me a little worried yesterday.

Food cravings? Salad, salad, and more salad
What I miss? Sleep. And yes I know it's only going to get worse before it gets better.
What I'm looking forward to?  My OB appointment on Tuesday
Milestones? Nothing major this week.  We did purchase some baby stuff yesterday. Got a matching outfit for Maya and #2.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Big Girl Bed

Since my last Maya picked up her first cold since this past cold/flu season. I think she got it from the airport. It was pretty nasty with fever, sore throat, coughing, etc. Fortunately though, she didn't need the nebulizer. Derek got it a few days later. And then I did a few days after that. No one really slept for a few weeks. Derek and I are still coughing some. And I'll just say coughing + pregnancy = bad news.

After Maya got over that cold she picked up another. It thankfully just involved a snotty nose and nothing else really.

In the midst of all the germies (on 8/30), Maya started climbing out of her crib. I knew that she was physically capable of it for a while now but she hadn't really shown any desire to do it. Unfortunately, once she knew out how easy it was she wouldn't stay in. We decided it was time for a "big girl bed". On 8/31, she picked out her new bed and was excited to put it together and sleep in it. I was a little sad to see her nursery change, sniff sniff. I felt like it was still a work in progress. And I'm not ready for her not to be a baby anymore. Although maybe that shipped has long since sailed. Along with her bed, she got a pillow and also got to sleep with a blanket for the first time. The first few weeks with her bed were rough. She was up multiple times throughout the night and wanted one of us in her room or she wouldn't stay in bed. I'm not sure how much of that was sickness/teething/new bed but she seems to be improving now that she's feeling better and her second lower second molar popped through yesterday and she's gotten comfortable in the new bed. She will still sometimes come into our room in the night but usually can be sent back to her room or simply tucked back in. On Friday night, I checked on her before I went to bed and found sleeping in the floor. And it wasn't like she simply rolled out of bed because she was in the middle of her room perpendicular to the bed. I laughed about it, showed Derek, and then scooped her up and deposited her back in bed. She didn't really even stir.

I had an OB appointment on 9/3 at 16 weeks and a couple days. It was a pretty standard boring appointment: weigh, blood pressure, listen to the heart beat. I feel like the weeks are flying by. I have my anatomy scan next week. We are almost halfway through.

Pictures of the nursery right before we build the big girl bed. She's a little excited


The finished product

Monday, September 2, 2013

Two and a half and #2: we are still here and the summer in review

Somehow I blinked and the summer flew by. My sweet little peanut is now 2 and a half. She's not so little anymore. She's about 30 lbs and last time we measured right around 36 inches. I think she has probably grown since then. Maya is definitely a bit more sassy now than she was 6 months ago. But usually still sweet and quite hilarious. Since she's so verbal, she's fond of word play, making silly rhymes and the like. I think she knows all of her books word for word. And we have a lot of books. She will frequently correct us if we misread something. In the last few months, she realized that letters form words. Since then she will sometimes go through a book point at each word individually and asking what it is. I'm curious to see when she will read, but I'm not pushing it and I am by no means rushing or wishing away these toddler days.

Maya has a few challenging behaviors that I think are just related to being two. One is that she is terrified of noisy things or things that she thinks may be noisy. She had gotten over her fear of the vacuum now she is terrified again. The fireworks on the 4th were quite traumatizing for her. She like the pretty colors she said but not the noise. I made the mistake of telling her we were going to get the oil changed in the car. She had a 30 minute meltdown while we got ready because she was afraid it would be noisy despite my best efforts to convince her otherwise. She was still in tears when we got there but after a few minutes decided it was fun. We went to a park with a kiddie train and carousel. She cried in line because they might be noisy. I told her she had to ride both one time. She seemed to enjoy both after the rides started. Made me feel like a horrible person for torturing her though.

The second is her fear of being alone. She won't let me out of her site 99% of the day. If I leave the room she's rushing after me saying "mom, where are you?", "don't run away", or some variation of these. I talked to her about it and why she was afraid. She said "I'm afraid I might lose you". Sometimes it's endearing. But sometimes it would be nice to walk from the living room to the kitchen and back (in our very open floor plan house) without someone yelling after me. I'm sure I'll look back and this in a few years when I'm way less cool and miss these days.

Here's a recap of our summer. Just for posterity's sake. I'm pretty sure any readers have already heard about our summer or given up hope that I'll ever post again. Or perhaps both.

I last left you in May so we will pick up in June. June was somewhat of an exciting month. We celebrated Father's day along with the rest of the country. Derek got his present a little early though. You may remember from past years that Maya and I did this and similarly this the following year. This year was more of the same. But after taking these on the 13th, I decided to give them to Derek the same day.

Like her new shirt? In case that's too subtle and you haven't otherwise heard (don't feel bad you are in good company) (or you have heard and just like to see pictures)
this is from 8/6
 Derek didn't pick up on the shirt right away. I mentioned if it was to subtle for him there was something else (a pregnancy test) in the bag. Speaking of pregnancy test, with Maya I think I took at least 8 tests. And I have pictures of at least one of them. This time I took two test and no pictures. I'm either slacking on the second child already or just less in denial this time. Also, the "morning" sickness that this one caused is largely responsible for my lack in blogging. I'm finally escaping that haze. Yuck. (Thinking about food made me gag, as did being hungry, eating to much, brushing my teeth, washing my hair, washing my face, etc. The nausea was almost constant but worse at nights.) My due date is Feb 16th. I'm hoping I don't go late enough to hit Maya's birthday on the 22nd.

June 16th Derek got waffles and coffee in bed. Maya thought it was lots of fun.

June 21 was the first day ever that Maya didn't nurse. She nurse a couple of times in the following days. But was pretty much weaned from that day. She had dropped down to twice a day even before I got pregnant. And I had a feeling that the end was near. But I think getting pregnant was what pushed it. She told me the milk tasted funny. I thought I was ready to wean her but it made me sadder than I expected. We'll blame the tears on my hormonal pregnant status rather than me being that mother. 

The week of July 4th, Dereks parents came to visit. We gave them a double frame with a picture of Maya wearing the shirt from above. It took them a little while and several shirt hints to catch on. I had my first prenatal appointment while they were here. It worked out well since we had a babysitter and Derek was off work for the holiday. A week after they left, my mom and two of my brothers came to visit. They got the same frame and picture. I think my mom noticed the shirt with less hinting. It worked out well to have family here two weeks in July since I was feeling so crummy. They helped entertain Maya and cooked. We managed to do some fun stuff while everyone was here. I didn't get too many pictures. I need to get some from the grandparents.

From the 4th. Waiting for the fireworks. 

7/19 Beach w/ two uncles. It was not the best day for the beach as you can tell from the sky.

Looking for crabs.

My mom brought this dress and doll from my grandmother when they came. We lost the dress until 8/2 when it was discovered in the bib drawer.

This is why there are fewer pictures these days. She can't sit still.

On July 26th, I had my second prenatal appointment. We told Maya the next day that she would be getting a brother or a sister. I don't think she really gets it. I mean she knows what brothers and sisters are. Several of her friends recently got baby brothers so she can somewhat relate to that. But she has no idea whats coming.

July 30th, Maya had her first dentist appointment. She did a great job. She watched me get mine cleaned first. Then she sat in my lap in the chair. They gave her sunglasses to wear since the light was bright. She let them take a look, polish her teeth with a little zebra head, and paint on some fluoride. She got a cool new piglet toothbrush and a bouncy ball. (Almost forgot to add. When I was getting prepped for my cleaning Maya replied loudly "she put a napkin on mom's boobs")

New shades and goody bag

This brings us to August. I feel like August was all doctors appointment and travel. We did squeeze in a visit to the park of torture on 8/7.
The non noisy part of the park

We visited Derek's grandparents and brother 8/13-8/17. My mom and brothers were in town as well since my youngest brother was moving in. He is starting grad school at the same university as Derek's brother attends. 

Chickens at the zoo

Fun day with uncle C

On 8/17 we hoped over a couple of states and visited with our dear friends uncle J, aunt J, G and E. We returned home on the 20th.

Another zoo, another bird

Maya and E

On  8/22, Maya turned 2.5. She cut her first second molar (The bottom right. The other bottom one is about to poke through.)

Ever front lawn and photo shoot needs a laundry basket.

So that mostly brings us up to date. Stay tuned in the coming months, err I mean days, for more. We had an eventful weekend.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Belated Mother's Day

How is May almost over already? We had a  busy month. Maya and I left on the 7th to go home home for my "little" brother's graduation. Maya did well on the flights as usual. Lots of snacking, some sleeping. She even used the potty on the airplane even though she was a little freaked out about it. She was fascinated by the pilots and cockpit. 

 Maya enjoyed playing in the rain (as you saw in my previous post) and petting my mom's chicks. She also enjoyed playing with my nieces and nephew and playing at my grandma's house, especially jumping on the bed (a mattress on the floor).

Entertaining ourselves prior to the graduation ceremony. Maya fell asleep right at the end so all the post ceremony pictures have me holding a sleeping peanut and I didn't get any with my camera.

We spent mother's day with my mom and grandma.

The following weekend we spent with Derek's parents. We played at the park, had breakfast at Gram's school, had lots of fun. We came home on the 21st.

We spent the rest of last week trying to adjust back to the time zone and get back into our routine. Saturday we went day "camping" with some friend. Sunday we checked out a different farmers market after church. And Monday we were lazy and hung out at home all day aside from a trip to the store.

Some funnies from May:
Derek's parents have a bird feeder hanging outside their back door. Every time Maya saw a bird on it she'd run over and scream "aah" and they'd fly away. They told her not to scare the birds away. She replied, "Maya is just helping them fly."

I painted Maya's fingernails while we were away (well only on one hand because that's all she wanted). She also watched my niece put on makeup (confession I think I've only worn makeup once, maybe twice since Maya's been born). We were playing with her doll after we got home. The doll had something on it's eye and I tried to rub it off. Maya said "maybe it's eye polish, to help her blink better."

A few days later, Derek was helping Maya get dressed. Maya was poking/rubbing her eye. Derek asked her if her eye hurt. She said, "no, I'm just looking at my eye pits."

When we were camping we walked up to the bathroom so Maya and her little friend P could go potty. On the way back P says, "this is an adventure." Maya replies, "actually, it's a hill."