Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why you shouldn't read to your kids and how to get cheap Labor

Friday, I took Maya to get her flu shot. She always wants to know where we are going when we get into the car. I just told her that we were going to the doctor. We then had to sing five little monkeys repeatedly. She was enjoying herself until they pulled out the syringe, then she started saying hurt, hurt. She cried until they gave her a sticker and lollipop. I said I'm not even sure she knows what a lollipop is since she's never had one. Last time someone gave her one, she thought it was a candle. But she immediately said ooh lollipop, eat it, eat it  like caterpillar. I'm sure you are familiar with that caterpillar, the hungry one. So yeah, the very hungry caterpillar taught Maya about lollipops. And then today she told me she wanted fries and ketchup because a bird in a book was eating what looked like a fry. 

Saturday, we went to the farmers market which Maya loves because she gets to sample all the fruit. We then put Maya to work on what will hopefully be her Christmas present. 

Just kidding. Derek and I worked on it during nap time. We pretty much gave up once she woke up because she was really into the tools. I think she may need some toy ones given the meltdown when it was time to put them away. We also raked some leaves.

But that was only so that we could jump in them

Sunday, Maya woke up with her first cold of the season. I'm hoping this year brings less illness for her than last. She seems to be feeling better today. She wanted to go eat with Derek because there might be cake. So we went tonight. She got pie instead of cake but I didn't hear her complain.

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