Nora at 2: She is talking all the time and generally fun/funny but has her 2 year old moments. She had her well child check on Feb 24. She is pretty tiny which has kind of surprised me since Maya was/is huge for her age. Nora weighs in at 23.7 lbs (13th percentile) and measures 33.75 inches tall (57th percentile). She likes Mickey mouse and Daniel tiger. She loves to swing, climb, read, sing, go to gym and anything Maya is doing. The other day I told her she was being goofy. She replied, "no, mommy, I pluto." Her expressive language has really exploded in the last month or two. She frequently comes out with 6+ word sentences. A few months ago, she decided I am mommy instead of mom. I frequently hear "I need mommy. I NEED mommy." It's always need, not want. She calls Derek daddy or daz.
Maya at 5: She is still as talkative and energetic as ever. She is also a lot of fun. She has been pushing boundaries recently. And she's becoming quite the negotiator. We may be in trouble in a few years. She was 43.8 lbs (75th percentile) and 44.75 inches (89 percentile) at her check up. At her recent dentist appointment, we were surprised to learn that she has two loose teeth. One of her friends at preschool has lost a few and apparently the tooth fairy leaves dollars folded like butterflies. I guess the tooth fairy should get busy learning origami. Maya loves being read to (she can sound out words and could read if she wanted but getting her to is like pulling teeth), watching tv, playing at the park, riding her new bike, drawing and coloring. She tells people she's an artist already. She spends most of her play time making up elaborate stories with her various little characters/figures. Sometimes I like to just sit and listen to her. She hates to be interrupted in middle of a story. It is a fairly common cause of meltdowns for Maya. She is really enjoying preschool this year. Who knows what her teacher and the other parents that work there now know about my life. They enjoy how talkative she is. Maya seems to be moving out of her extremely picky eating phase. Now I'd just call her picky.
They have been playing together recently. Like actually playing together rather than Nora knocking down all of Maya's toys and Maya screaming at her. It's been fun to see. We are still working on jealousy issues, sharing and using our nice words but I suspect that will end when they move out of the house.