Friday, March 27, 2015

Animal noises

We had a lazy sort of day here. Nora was up a lot last night. She was feeling pretty crummy. Maya crawled in bed with me and fell back asleep. I got up with a screaming baby. Then a little later hear a thud. And our bed is high. Great way to start the morning. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. And the rest of the day was ok. Nora is feeling a little better today. Still clingy but less unhappy. Hopefully no one else will get whatever it is. 

Nora is at a fun age right now. She is getting so verbal. So far it seems like she will be talkative like Maya. There will be no quiet. Here is an elusive video without Maya chatting in the background (Nora woke up first this afternoon)

The first one I asked is horse. It kind of got cut off. She also knows dog but I forgot to ask. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The beach, sick baby again, and stuff Maya says

Derek's parents were in town much of last week. Wednesday we enjoyed a park day, Thursday Maya had school and then we went shopping, Friday we went to the beach, Saturday Maya had soccer followed by doughnuts and the farmers market.

Maya loved the beach as always. She about froze when she got in the water before lunch. But it warmed up a bit in the afternoon and she really enjoyed it. Nora was afraid of the water at first. When I tried to sick her feet in it she just signed/said milk milk milk. She warmed up to it and then kept signing water and would giggle when the waves would crash into her. She didn't try to eat the sand which was nice since that seems to be a favorite beach activity for little ones her age.

Signing water

Ready to head home?

The beach is tiring

This week we have been trying to get back into the normal swing if things. Really exciting things going on around here. Monday we did laundry and ate at Derek's work. We rediscovered the ball pit. Tuesday we went grocery shopping. Wednesday we went to story time at the library (Nora was really into it, clapping and dancing during the songs) then out for lunch. After lunch I noticed Nora felt warm. Sure enough she has a low grade fever. She was acting fairly normal though. We enjoyed a tea party after nap. It was Nora's first tea party.

She seemed to enjoy it

Nora and I stayed home from bible study last night and enjoyed some snuggles. (She doesn't really look sick does she?)

Today Maya had school. I called the nurse about Nora's fever and they suggested I being her in since she didn't have any other symptoms. Fortunately, they had an opening while Maya was still at school. Unfortunately, we are still not sure what's wrong (not snotty, ears are clear, throat is normal), we are in the wait and see stage. She has been more clingy and her fever is up a bit more from yesterday. And Maya trends to be a brat when Nora is clingy. Fun afternoon here.

Sick but still cute

Grumpy but still cute

Tonight while snuggling before bed, Maya and I were discussing names. I was explaining how it is customary for the wife to take the husband's last name in this country. 
She said, "I don't want to get married." "Why?" I asked. She said, "I want to be an artist." I said, "you can get married and still be an artist." She replied, "but I might accidentally get a baby. And then since I wouldn't get a summer break and it might be born in the summer it would be hard to take care of it and be an artist." I explained about maternity leave and then getting someone to help take care of the baby when you go back to work. She said, "it would be hard to find someone to help." Wise beyond her years perhaps. (I offered my services if she has babies and lives near me)

I'm sure the two readers I have left will be shocked that I have posted again and it hasn't even been three months.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Well child checks and more pictures

February 24
Maya had her four year old well child check up today. She was 41.5 inches (85th percentile) and 38 lbs (73rd percentile). She's grown 3.5 inches in the last year and gained 5 pounds. She was declared healthy (and talkative) but we are keeping an eye out for signs of tonsil/adenoid trouble. She always talks the pediatricians ear off. I have to shush her so that I can actually talk to the doctor.

Nora also had her 12 month well baby check. She was 30.25 inches (85th percentile) and 19 lbs 5 oz (42nd percentile) with a massive noggin (above the 99th percentile). She only gained a little over a pound in the last three months which isn't quite as much as the like to see. But she was really sick at the beginning of February and lost some weight so her doctor wasn't worried about it. Her appetite is finally coming back from that so hopefully she will get back on track. She was also declared healthy.

Both girls got vaccinations. I say hooray for measles protection but that's not how they felt about it. Nora still has a red bump on her leg from one of the shots and has been grumpy/needy.

And here are some photos from our backyard birthday session. Taking pictures of two mobile kids together is nearly impossible. You'd think Maya would be easier but she just makes funny faces, refuses to look at the camera, or does what Nora is doing. Nora just stands on her head or runs away.

Busy, Busy Birthday Party

On February 20th, we had a little party for Nora and Maya. Maya wanted to invite four of her friends from preschool and a family from church. She was adamant that they were the only ones she wanted to invite. After invitations were sent and party favors ordered, she was like can we invite more. Sorry kid. 

I made the invitations. I think they turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself.

I also made a birthday banner, cupcakes, and a smash cake. Add streamers, balloons, and pizza and it was a party. It was sort of a Richard Scarry meets Paw Patrol party. Maya loved the streamers. We turned her loose to decorate with them while we were preparing everything the morning of the party. She had them hanging on everything. The other kids helped when the party started. 

We had a Lowly worm's hat decorating shop. (My mom made these cute shirts that look like Huckle cat's lederhosen.)

We played pin the badge on Skye and find gold bug.

We had cake and ice cream. 

Nora never quite figured out how to blow hard enough to blow the candle out. But she knew how to smash cake.

 And no party is complete without presents.