Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Not too terrible twos

Maya definitely has her moments of what we call acting like a two year old. Her favorite phrase right now is "but I want/don't want" x. Meltdowns occur for often trivial reasons; her piece of cake fell over, her snack broke, we arrived home before the song playing ended, someone was touching something she wanted to play with, etc. But usually as long as she's well fed and rested she's a real joy. She's really into music, singing, dress up, drawing, coloring, cutting, gluing, legos, fp little people, helping me. I'm amazed at her drawing and coloring skills. She can draw little circle people complete with eyes, noses, mouths, and legs. And when she wants to she does an impressive job of coloring mostly within the lines. She's also handy with a pair of scissors. Today we did a little practice writing M and A. I'm not really sure what's normal for a 2 year old as far as gross and fine motor skills go but I am impressed.

Maya funny: We were going through Maya's baby clothes and she came across a pair of booties. She asked me what they were. I replied, "booties." She gave me a strange look, paused, and said "for your boobs? boobies?" 

#2, 23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Best moment this week? So not from this week, but right after my last post (20 wks and 1 day) Derek was able to feel a kick from the outside.
Movement? She's getting stronger and I'm definitely feeling her more.
Food cravings? Nothing really.
What I love? Hearing Maya talk about her baby sister. One morning she woke up and came in to give me a hug and kiss then gave my belly one too for baby sister.
What I miss? Nothing really.
What I'm looking forward to?  24 weeks on Sunday. OB appointment on Tuesday.
Milestones? Nothing this week.