"what mom/dad/Maya doing", "who's that" (this means both who is that and what is that), "what that is" and my personal favorite "how it work"
She recognizes that writing is beey, bee, sees (also known as abc's). She knows some of the letters such as M, D, and O. She told me that our igloo cooler had two o's on the lid. She also recognizes the name/logo for Derek's work. She also recognizes some numbers. She told me that one of her shapes for her sorter had an 8 on it and it did in fact have one.
She opened the fridge for the first time a week ago Saturday and helped herself to some shredded cheese. She's opened it a few times since then. Fortunately, she usually just gets her sippy of milk and shuts the door.
She didn't nurse overnight at all last Saturday night. This week, however, has been rough again. She had a tummy ache on Sunday evening. I'm not sure if that's what's her issue is or what.
After going camping she recognized the fire in goodnight moon. She was so excited. She kept saying fire outside just like that and pointing to the picture.
She's gone potty several times last week. Tuesday she went potty and so got her ice cream reward. After she finished eating it, she asked for more. I told her if she went potty again she could have more. She ripped off her diaper, ran to the bathroom and went again. So she's getting the idea. I'm starting to have second thoughts about the ice cream as a reward.
One day at lunch this week, Maya kept asking for my cucumbers with vinegar. She ate a number of them then told me "I not like it"
We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend. We rode a train and tractor, fed the sheep and goats, picked out a pumpkin.
I'm probably forgetting something but it's late and I'm tired. So now for picture overload.
Pumpkin dress my mom made (excuse the diaper pail):
The pumpkin patch: