Friday, February 18, 2011

She Who Must Not Be Named, 36-38 weeks

How far along?  38 weeks 

New from this week?  (or weeks as the case may be)  As you've probably noticed, I've once again slacked off on the updates.  Week 36 was uneventful so nothing really to report for that week.  We did start the lovely internal exams that week.   

Last week, Derek was out of town finding a place to live when we move.  Fortunately, he found a nice house to rent and it was a relatively uneventful week for me.  I did end up in the doctors office for an unscheduled appointment on Wednesday due to limited movement.  But at least it we got to skip the hospital since it was during business hours.  Thursday I went back to the office for my usual weekly appointment.  My blood pressure was still running a little high.  

Sunday and Monday of this week she again had limited movement.  Since she had been active while I was trying to sleep, we decided that rather than head to the hospital immediately, I'd try a cup of coffee.  That seemed to do the trick for a little while.  I always thought that once I started feeling her move it would be reassuring.  In general though it's been more stressful.  I had my usual appointment Thursday.  My blood pressure was higher than before.  This along with not moving much earlier in the week again earned us some time with the monitors.  And once again we were the first ones in and last ones out of the monitoring room and she had to be buzzed to wake her up.  Fortunately, her heart rate looks good and my blood pressure came down a bit after sitting in the recliner for a while.  For the last few days, I've been having regular braxton hicks contractions.  Hopefully they will help get stuff going.

The movement concerns, combined with my increasing blood pressure, has bumped us up to twice weekly appointments for next week and probably the week after and I've been instructed to rest, rest, and rest.  The whole rest thing is hard when we are trying to get everything ready for her.  Also, the doc doesn't want to let me go past my due date.  

What I miss?  In general, I can't complain about being pregnant as I've felt pretty well and it has gone pretty smoothly.  However, I will say I miss being able to sleep.  It started out with the bathroom trips, painful swelling in my fingers, numb hands, and aching hips waking me up.  Now it is more the insomnia.  I just toss and turn.  And since moving around at this stage takes quite a bit of effort and occasionally grunting, I've been keeping Derek up as well.  I've been thinking about taking something to help me sleep but was concerned about making the baby even more sluggish.  I asked the doc about it, and he seemed to think it would be ok, so I gave it a try last night.  I slept a little better.

What I'm looking forward to?  Having an outside baby.

Milestones?  Reached full term last Friday.  Only two weeks and a day until my due date.