Friday, December 10, 2010

She Who Must Not Be Named, 28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks 
The good?  Her heartbeat was nice and strong yesterday, in the 150s as usual.  Blood pressure, iron, and everything seems normal.  And I passed my glucose tolerance test so bring on the Christmas goodies.
The bad?  I shouldn't enjoy too many goodies as I should watch the weight gain this month.  I had a surprise physical at my appointment since it wasn't noted in my files from the other doc that I'd already had one.  I was poked and prodded and had my bump manhandled.  At least I got a real gown and sheet, rather than the paper ones. 
Best moment this week?  I felt something poking my side earlier today.  It wasn't exactly comfortable so I rubbed the spot.  I think it was a foot and rubbing it startled her.  I got kicked several times.
Symptoms?  Acne.  The occasional nausea still.  A growing Santa like belly.  But according to Derek, I'm not getting any jollier.  
Movement?  She's still fairly lazy.  The nurse practitioner was amused that I called her lazy when she asked about movement.  She seems to flip between transverse and what I think is head down once or twice a day.  I never know where I'm going to feel her next.
Food cravings?  Apparently citrus fruit, we bought 10 lbs of grapefruit and 8 of oranges tonight.  We'll see how long they last.  I'm also looking forward to birthday cake next week.  I'm thinking red velvet.
Milestones?  I've now moved up to appointments every two weeks.

Friday, December 3, 2010

She Who Must Not Be Named, 27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks 
Best moment this week?  Derek defended today.  I got kicked the whole time. 
Movement?  I had my glucose tolerance test Thursday morning.  The sugary drink didn't get her moving.  But the decaf coffee with artificial sweetener that I had in the afternoon did.  She doesn't seem to be a morning person.  Her favorite pastime this week was apparently kicking or headbutting my bladder and cervix.     
Food cravings?  I may or may not have finished off 5 lbs of grapefruit in 5 days and then started on a 10 lb bag.  (I thought of you, mom)
What I love?  Watching and feeling my bump move with her kicks and wiggles.
What I miss?  Being able to taste test cookie dough, cake/muffin batter if I want.  I made three batches of muffins for Derek's defense.  It was torture. :)
Milestones?  This week begins the third trimester.