How far along? 26 weeks
Best moment this week? I'm not sure if I should classify this as the best but we will at least say the most amusing. Sunday I wore a pair of dress pants that fit under the belly. Apparently these invaded the personal space of She Who Must Not Be Named because all morning I received kicks to the bladder.
Movement? Last night I enjoyed watching the tv remote bounce around on my belly as she wiggled.
Food cravings? In honor of thanksgiving, my mom's dressing. Fortunately, I talked her into making some for me. Thanks, mom.
What I love? I think that I'm starting to look pregnant rather than just pudgy around the middle. And I like feeling her more often. These things, along with the baby stuff we are slowly accruing, make the whole thing seem more real.
What I miss? Umm...let's just say normal bladder habits and functions. Yeah, we'll leave it at that.
What I'm looking forward to? Making it to the third trimester and, although not pregnancy related, Derek defending and having free time.
Milestones? We reached double digits, as of today (Friday) only 98 days until my due date. Also, we had our first baby shower on Sunday. It was a "surprise" shower given by my advisor and coworkers.
Shower loot.